Cannot upgrade perl5.8 - registry error

Joshua Root jmr at
Thu Mar 12 01:09:42 PDT 2009

Bob Nielsen wrote:
> mac:~ bob$ port installed |grep perl
> Error: port installed failed: Registry error: perl5.8 @5.8.8_0+darwin_8
> not registered as installed.
> When I try to remove perl altogether I get the same error message.  I
> need to get past the registry error before I can anything.

One or more of your receipts is missing or malformed, but if it's
missing, its parent directory is still present. If you delete
/opt/local/var/macports/receipts/perl5.8/5.8.8_0, the registry error
should go away, but all of that port's files will be orphaned. This
means you'll have to force activate the first new version you install.

- Josh

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