qucs build error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu May 14 15:14:02 PDT 2009

On May 14, 2009, at 17:10, Bjarne Bäckström wrote:

>    Heh, got this mail immediately after posting... Well, removing  
> Fink is out of the question, among other things because (for  
> example; it goes both ways):
> MacMini:~ bjarne$ fink list | grep avr
>  i      avr-binutils    2.19-1  GNU binutils for ATMEL AVR micro  
> controllers
>  i      avr-gcc 4.2.0-2 GNU GCC for ATMEL AVR micro controllers
>  i      avr-libc        1.6.5-2 AVR LIBC for GNU GCC & GNU binutils
>  i      avrdude 5.5-1   Atmel AVR Microcontrollers Programmer
> MacMini:~ bjarne$ port list | grep avr
> avr-binutils                   @2.16.1         cross/avr-binutils
> avr-gcc                        @4.0.2          cross/avr-gcc
> avr-gdb                        @6.7.1          cross/avr-gdb
> avr-libc                       @1.6.1          cross/avr-libc
> avrdude                        @5.5            cross/avrdude
>    Thanks for your explanation!

So you're saying we need to update the versions of some of our ports  
in MacPorts? That can certainly be arranged. :) Could you file  
tickets for the ports that need updates?

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