Native Quartz version of gnucash

Mike Alexander mta at
Tue May 26 10:03:55 PDT 2009

--On May 25, 2009 9:41:08 PM -0500 cory steers <madsteer at> 

> Lastly, is this how I have to run?  Manually run launchctl after every
> reboot etc., before running gnucash, or can I somehow turn disabled
> to false on the plist and get all working smoothly?  I don't know if
> it's good/bad to have dbus running all the time?  "dbus-launch
> gnucash" results in "EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus
> daemon" so what is the desired configuration.

Just edit the plist using whatever editor you like and delete the 
disabled option.  I don't know why it's there, probably from one of the 
commands you entered while trying to make this work.  It's not in the 
plist file as shipped.

If you're running Leopard and you want the session bus to start on 
demand instead at login, change the OnDemand option in the plist to 
true.  This doesn't work before 10.5, but it works fine there.  This 
will cause launchd to start the dbus session bus the first time someone 
tries to use it.  Having it running all the time doesn't really hurt 
anything.  When no one is using it, it doesn't use many resources.

Mike Alexander           mta at
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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