Ticket #21500 - IcedTea 1.11

Michael Franz mvfranz at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 17:55:11 PDT 2009


I think I have figured out the installation script for IcedTea.  The only
issue I have and would like input on is how to handle the different compiler
for Snow Leopard.  The Snow Leopard default 4.2 compiler will not compile
the OpenJDK (thus IcedTea).  The alternate gcc 4.0 will work fine.  Do I
need to have a variant for each platform or is it enough to force gcc 4.0 in
the portfile?

As a note, the current tip of the openjdk will build with 4.2 on snow
leopard, but there are some bugs in 4.2 that cause the jdk to crash.

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