CVS compilation

Wolf Drechsel drechsel at
Wed Oct 21 01:44:08 PDT 2009

Hello everybody,

I have to apologize for a probabely quite stupid question:

I'd like to use gnuplot 4.3 on my Mac 10.4.11 - which is not yet  
available as a port. One can obtain it via CVS - but on my machine  
the compilation results in several errors I cannot resolve. So I  
wonder whether it would be the easier way to do it using macports.

The CVS commands to obtain gnuplots are:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at  
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at 
gnuplot co -P gnuplot

Can anybody give me a hint whether it is possible to compile from  
that source using the macports basis - and how to do it?

Thanks and greetings,



There is a script to install th gnuplot CVS version. It gave me the  
errors I wrote above, but maybe anybody can read something from it:

#! /bin/sh
cd /Users/"$(whoami)"/Desktop/
echo "Gnuplot svn compilation: aquaterm support only, to have x11  
simply delete -with-x=no option"
echo "You need automake newer 1.8 (fink helps)!!"
echo "To have gnu readline support, install readline5-shlibs from  
fink and check if there is the sym link in /usr/lib :  
libreadline.dylib -> /sw/lib/libreadline.5.0.dylib"
echo "Press ENTER when asked for cvs pwd"
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at  
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at 
gnuplot co -P gnuplot
cd gnuplot/
sudo ./prepare
./configure -with-x=no --without-tutorial CFLAGS=-DDEFAULTTERM=\\ 
\"aqua\\\" --with-readline=gnu
cd src/
sudo cp gnuplot /Users/"$(whoami)"/Desktop/gnuplot_svn
cd /Users/"$(whoami)"/Desktop/
version=`gnuplot_svn --version | awk '{print $2}'`
date=`date | awk '{print $3 $2 $6}'`
mv gnuplot_svn gnuplot-"$version"_svn"$date"
echo "Removing compilation folder and moving binary file to Desktop..."
sudo rm -r gnuplot/ 

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