gv and ghostscript

John B Brown jbb at vcn.com
Tue Apr 27 13:08:30 PDT 2010

On 4/27/10 1:45 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
> On 2010-4-28 02:15 , Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>> On Apr 27, 2010, at 8:13 AM, John B Brown wrote:
>>> Might you explain exactly what /usr/local has to do with /opt/local.
>>> Because all activity for port takes place under /opt/local what does
>>> having applications in /usr/local do that would interfere with port
>>> when a properly set up PATH is in operation?
>> One reason is that some sources are hard coded to look in /usr/local.
> It's worse than that; gcc looks for headers in /usr/local/include by
> default and there's no practical way to stop it from doing that.
> - Josh
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	gcc only looks in /usr/local/include if you did not configure it with 
--prefix=/usr after editing the prefix entry in the configure file to 
reflect that as the install tree.

	Of course, that may not be completely possible on an Apple. When I 
bootstrap a new compiler I always install it into /usr tree, except that 
isn't true now I'm on an Apple.



	John B. Brown.
	[jbb at vcn.com]
	358 High Street,
	Buffalo, Wyoming

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