Where is the settings for a Port program put in?

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at pixilla.com
Thu Aug 26 10:45:47 PDT 2010

On Aug 26, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Andrea D'Amore wrote:

> Aug 26, 2010 at 4:48 PM, James Hozier <guitarscn1 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> What I want to know is where the "--with-default- 
>> server=irc.freenode.net"
>> is stored if it's not in the $IRCSERVER environment variable (mine is
>> not set yet it still connects to freenode by default even though I
>> didn't set it). Is there a config file I can get to change this  
>> without
>> having to change the environment setting?
> The command 'port dir ircii' will show you the directory of the ircii
> port. This directory contains a file named Portfile that contains
> several options, among them there's your default server line.
> Use a plain text editor, i.e. not TextEdit in rich text mode. If you
> don't already have one of choice and you want to use an editor with a
> GUI I suggest TextWrangler of Bare Bones Software.
> TextEdit in plain text mode will do the job too.

man irc
    The .ircrc File:
        When ircII is executed, it checks the user's home directory  
for a .ircrc file, executing the commands in the file.  Commands in  
this file do not need  to  have  a  leading  slash
        character '/'.  This allows predefinition of aliases and other  

Maybe adding the commands you want to execute to ~/.ircrc will do what  
you want.

// Brad

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