Command to clean ~/.macports and misc Snow Leopard questions

Scott Haneda talklists at
Sun Jan 3 01:06:57 PST 2010

Hello, I updated to Snow Leopard today.  I have installed the new Dev Tools, X11 which was on the Snow installer, MacPorts, and am now installing my ports clean and new.

I saved a backup of /opt/local so I have all my user made files to move into place when I get all the ports working.

My case was that I did a clean OS install, so I did a clean MacPorts install.  All I have done so far is install mysql5 server version.

Do I need to make any changes to sources.conf or similar files?

I did run the below command just for the heck of it, and before that ran the selfupdate command and got a little love from the update that came out the other day.
`sudo port clean --work --archive all`

Are there any other changes I need to consider?

When I updated, I noticed there was ~/.macports which has a good deal of stuff in it, all seemingly related to ports I was at one time or another working on. I went ahead and cp'd it over from a backup into my new clean isntall.  Is there a way to clean that out, or can I just delete it and let it make itself new as needed?

I also took over ~/.profile and all other ~/. files for my PATH and other settings to be correct.  I did this before I installed MacPorts.  It all looks ok, but wanted to ask to make sure there is nothing I did too out of the ordinary.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

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