dbus-glib not building glib first

Jeremy Huddleston jeremyhu at macports.org
Wed Jan 13 08:27:30 PST 2010

You mean glib2, not glib.

And I see the dependency for glib2 in dbus-glib, so it should be fine...

Do you have glib2-devel installed?  That might also satisfy the dependency.

You need to provide a bit more information (like a log of the problem).

On Jan 13, 2010, at 03:24, Martin Kendall wrote:

> When building firefox-x11 this has a dependency on dbus-glib, which has a dependancy on glib.
> However, glib is not being built before so dbus-glib is failing to build.  A manual install of glib first solves this.
> Martin
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