Problem with macports install, any help greatly appreciated

John Essam jnessam at
Fri Jun 11 04:12:51 PDT 2010

Dear All,

I have recently installed macports on my mac book pro Mac OX platform  
10.5.8 to run the Gimp software as recommend by Gimp. I must admit I  
am not that much of a techie and I have found the whole process a bit  
bewildering. Eg I have never used the terminal before, not even  
certain which terminal to use, I think it's the installed with my OX  

Heres what I have downloaded so far

X11		version 		2.1.6	installed under aplications/utilities

Xcode	version		3		installed in developer folder

Macports					installed yesterday, so I gues it must be the lateast  

When I type into the mac terminal -tcish-80x24 	

sudo port install gimp as instructed on the gimp web site this is what  
I get.

Last login: Fri Jun 19 09:12:17 on console
john-essams-macbook-pro-15:~ johnessam$ port
MacPorts 1.9.0
Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
[Users/johnessam] > sudo port install gimp
Unrecognized action "sudo"
[Users/johnessam] > port install gimp
Unrecognized action "port"
[Users/johnessam] > install gimp
Warning: MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to  
complete certain actions (e.g. install).
Warning: The installed version of Xcode (3.0) is known to cause  
problems. Version 3.1.4 or later is recommended on Mac OS X 10.5.
--->  Computing dependencies for gimp

when I tried to download the latest version of Xcode from the mac web  
site it won't let me download it as I don't have the 10.6 platform

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as at the moment I  
don't really have a clue as to what to do, and am completely out of my  

Kind Regards

John Essam

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