rsync error with MacPorts 1.9.0 beta 2

Joshua Root jmr at
Thu May 27 18:34:05 PDT 2010

On 2010-5-28 11:18 , Linc Davis wrote:
> I have two Macs with the beta installed: a build server and a client.
> The server does all the building. It exports the directory
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
> as an rsync module, and the directory
> /opt/local/var/macports/packages
> as an NFS share. On the client, which doesn't have Xcode installed, the sources.conf file is modified as follows:
> # rsync:// [default]
> rsync://server.lan/release/ports/ [default]
> where "server.lan" is the internal address of the server.
> This setup has been working pretty well for the last couple of years, and it still works, but since installing the beta I get the following message in the system log every time I sync the client to the server:
> rsync: link_stat "/ports/PortIndex_darwin_10_i386/PortIndex" (in release) failed: No such file or directory
> I don't get this message when syncing the server to the central repository. There is indeed no such file, but I don't understand why this is happening. Thanks for any suggestions.

1.9 looks for a platform-specific index on the server. If you don't want
to see the message, provide one. :-)

You won't actually see it every time you sync, but only if the local
PortIndex is absent or older than a day.

- Josh

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