Mac App Store

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Oct 29 20:31:06 PDT 2010

On Oct 29, 2010, at 21:47, Anthony Michael Agelastos wrote:

> Out of curiosity, are there any plans for MacPorts to be on the upcoming Mac App Store?  If not, does anyone think there's merit for MacPorts to utilize such infrastructure?  I am not sure how the store will work, but I would assume that it would give MacPorts the ability to install other dependencies should they be needed (such as Xcode, which I assume will be on the store, along with XQuartz).  

Mac App Store sounds like a great idea. I'm not sure it's applicable to what MacPorts does though. I think the Mac App Store lives in the same space as applications and utilities the user installs manually, and MacPorts lives in the space of software users install using MacPorts.

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