Unexpected installation problems with MacPorts

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Aug 30 14:14:07 PDT 2011

On Aug 30, 2011, at 16:06, Rodolfo Aramayo wrote:

> I am only using:
> perl5.12 @5.12.3_1+threads

Ok. Were you previously using a different version like perl5.8?

> Could it be that when I installed XCODE
> (xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg) I needed to request it to install
> stuff needed for 10.4? Because I remember NOT selecting that option...

It shouldn't be necessary to install the 10.4 SDK; almost no ports should be using it, certainly not major packages like gcc or python.

> I am asking this because I also noticed problems compiling gcc43 and gcc44
> and python is giving me a yet-to-be-determined-source-of-trouble...

Ok; if you need help with these issues, send us the logs when you can.

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