gperf and pkgconfig

mark brethen mbrethen at
Sun Jul 24 11:13:33 PDT 2011

After installing octave and maxima ports, I found the following leaves:

Mark-Brethens-MacBook-Pro:~ marbre$ port echo leaves
autoconf                       @2.68_2 
automake                       @1.11.1_0 
bison                          @2.5_0 
cmake                          @2.8.4_0 
flex                           @2.5.35_0 
gawk                           @4.0.0_0 
gperf                          @3.0.4_2 
gperf                          @3.0.4_2+universal 
grep                           @2.9_0 
gsed                           @4.2.1_1 
less                           @444_0 
ncursesw                       @5.8_0 
pkgconfig                      @0.26_0 
pkgconfig                      @0.26_0+universal 
texinfo                        @4.13_2 
xorg-bigreqsproto              @1.1.1_0 
xorg-inputproto                @2.0.1_0 
xorg-util-macros               @1.14.0_0 
xorg-xcmiscproto               @1.2.1_0 
xorg-xf86bigfontproto          @1.2.0_0 
xorg-xtrans                    @1.2.6_0 
xz                             @5.0.3_0

Notice that gperf and pkgconfig have a default and "+universal" variant installed. Why? Can I remove one? If so, which one should I keep?


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