MacPorts is hijacking account on MacOSXServer

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Mon Jul 25 15:53:14 PDT 2011

On Jul 25, 2011, at 6:26 PM, David L Ballenger wrote:
> I'm assuming that the process is to find the highest unused UniqueID in
> the local directory and use the next ID.  For systems with with no mobile
> accounts and not a lot of users that's probably somewhere in the 500's.

well, it does a loop asking the OS if the uid/gid is available until it finds one that should be available (see pextlib1.0/Pextlib.c line 242)

> On my laptop, which is connected to my Open Directory domain, my personal 
> account is set up as a mobile accoun, which means I have an account int the
> local domain with a UID of 1025 and macports got an ID of 1026.  That meant
> that the Open Directory user with that ID (my wife) could no longer log into
> her network account using my laptop.

So, there was already an OD account with ID 1026 (or did you try to set up your wife's account later, and that failed?)

I _think_ getpwuid() should pull in the information from OD (and maybe there's a lion change/bug that is causing the issue?). Certainly the manpage on 10.6 says "These functions obtain information from DirectoryService(8)"

> Maybe a solution is to have macports look for an unused ID below 1000. Of course
> that might not work it a system has 500 local accounts.

I think we probably should figure out why the OD accounts (and groups?) aren't seen by base/ when it's looking for the next available UID/GID
Daniel J. Luke                                                                   
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |                          
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|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                          
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