Xcode 4

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at web.de
Fri Mar 11 22:56:45 PST 2011

HI all,

	The way I see it Apple is opening up another market!
	If you look at the Mac App store you will see that Xcode 4
	is the TOP selling App! 

	Which means that their are a lot of developers that are not 
	registered developers. 

	Over here in Germany Xcode 4 only cost as much as a pack of

	I do see the problem with ports that many things must be done inside
	of ports, as of Xcode 4. But, how many ports already depend on newer


Am 11.03.2011 um 16:48 schrieb Watson Ladd:

> LLVM is BSD licensed, so they don't have to give us the code, unless
> there is residual GCC code lying around, which there may be. Apple
> seems to be saying there isn't.  Anyone want to go make another LLVM
> port? Of course it could just be that Apple is charging people who
> want to get a head start on Lion development.

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