
Dominik Reichardt domiman at
Tue Oct 11 09:30:59 PDT 2011

On 11.10.2011, at 17:15, Puneet Kishor wrote:

>> Hi, does MacPorts have a forum? I think I would like a forum instead of a mailing list, just saying..............Great stuff you guys are doing BTW.
> This *is* the forum, and judging by the fact that there is no alternative, it would be safe to assume that most users prefer this.

I wonder how you can state this. People are using this because there is no alternative, it's hard to conclude that this is what people want :)

Anyway, I'd prefer a forum, it probably could be done as the libSDL people have done it, that the forum and ML go to the same address (ML posts go to the forum, forum posts go to the ML).

BUT, someone would need to implement this and I'd prefer the available man power on doing ports and coding macports.
AND forums are much more vulnerable to spam, another thing that may side track valuable man power...

As for Pallet, works fine for me on Lion.
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