Root install problem

Aljaž Srebrnič a2piratesoft at
Mon Sep 5 00:59:51 PDT 2011

Yeah, my bad, it actually wasn't a clean build, but i built it from clean just before, and it failed with the same error…
Anyway, trying again just to be sure…

Aljaž Srebrnič
-- --
My public key:

On 05/set/2011, at 09:43, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Sep 5, 2011, at 02:36, Aljaž Srebrnič wrote:
>> Hi all! when installing ROOT, I get this:
>> $ sudo port -vv install root +builtin_ftgl+gcc45+mysql+opengl+python26+qt_mac+roofit+ssl+xml
>> --->  Computing dependencies for root.
>> --->  Staging root into destroot
> This is not a clean build. If it had been, we would have seen additional stages running before the destroot phase.
>> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_science_root/root/work/destroot/opt/local/lib/root/": no such file or directory
>> Any idea why is missing?
> In its destroot phase, the root port *moves* into place (instead of copying it, as would be the more normal way). Presumably, something subsequent to this step failed. Then you tried again, and this time it failed trying to move the now-nonexistent (already-moved)
> Clean and try again to get the real first error, and tell us what that is (ideally by filing a ticket in the issue tracker).
> sudo port clean root

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