trouble with qt4-mac install

Comer Duncan comer.duncan at
Sat Aug 4 12:15:21 PDT 2012


I have run against an apparent problem in trying to do an upgrade outdated
for qt4-mac.  Here is what I see

homelap-3:~ comerduncan$ sudo port upgrade outdated
--->  Computing dependencies for qt4-mac
--->  Building qt4-mac

The thing is that this just hangs (after 3 hours I cntrl-C'ed it).  I also
get  an apparent hang with sudo port install qt4-mac.  I have already done
a port selfupdate with the result that the macports base is already at the
latest version. Also, I note that port installed lists qt4-mac
@4.7.4_1+quartz as installed.  So I am wondering why this is occurring?

Thanks for suggestions!

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