dmg packages

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Jan 8 17:02:37 PST 2012

On Jan 8, 2012, at 18:14, Craig Treleaven wrote:

> I'm curious about the dmg options for ports:
> When you create a binary package for a port that includes a startup item, does the installer install the startup item (plist etc) as well?

It will install all files registered to the port (those files listed with "port contents")

> Does it load the startup item? 

Neither installing normally with MacPorts, nor via a standalone dmg MacPorts built, would result in the launchd plist being automatically loaded; you would use "sudo launchctl load" to load it.

> To try to test it out, I created a dmg for logrotate:
>> sudo port -d  mdmg logrotate +startupitem
> The system I'm going to install it on is busy for a few hours so I haven't actually run the installer. 
> BTW, I created the dmg on my MacBook Pro (64 bit) but intend to install on a Mac Mini (32 bit). 
>> DEBUG: Found TBZ2 archive: /opt/local/var/macports/software/ncurses/ncurses-5.9_1.darwin_10.x86_64.tbz2
> The 64 bit versions aren't going to work, are they?

Correct, a 32-bit processor cannot run 64-bit code.

> I didn't see a universal option for logrotate.

It was not apparent to me why there wasn't one, so I added one.

Alternately, you could set build_arch to i386 in macports.conf to force a 32-bit build even on your 64-bit Mac. (Not all ports allow this; if you find a port that doesn't, file a bug report.)

However, it's best to build on the same kind of system you'll ultimately be installing on.

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