opencore-amr (new port)

Jan Stary hans at
Mon Jan 23 04:43:10 PST 2012

Below is a port of
- an implementation of the AMR voice codec.

I have tested this on 10.5.8 on a intel-based macbook.
Can people please test it further on different architetures
and macos versions?

Once it is OK, what do I need to do to get it commited?

	Thank you


# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name             opencore-amr
version          0.1.2
categories       audio
platforms        darwin

description      implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec
long_description \
	opencore-amr contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.073	\
	specification for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec	\
	and an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.173 specification for	\
	the Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) speech decoder.	\
	The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework,	\
	part of the Google Android project.

master_sites     sourceforge:project/opencore-amr/opencore-amr/${version}

checksums       sha1	289478d49701213255e9d63a93aae9ad472125cc	\
		rmd160	f23f7e9eabb3c6d046d67572a6a25e09b8dc2988	\
		md5	8e8b8b253eb046340ff7b6bf7a6ccd3e

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