Problem with Freetype 2.4.9 (ghostscript)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Mar 20 16:41:37 PDT 2012

On Mar 20, 2012, at 11:30, Florian Wobbe wrote:

>>> I upgraded to ghostscript 9.05 and freetype 2.4.9 recently  and get the following error whenever ghostscript is invoked:
>>> GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Error: Font Renderer Plugin ( FreeType ) return code = -1
>>> This seems like a recent problem after freetype went to 2.4.9 about a week ago; somebody was able to fix it by installing ghostscript-svn from AUR ( However, I have no idea as to how fix it for MacPorts. Any ideas?
>> This was reported to me by private email as well. It's good to hear that the ghostscript developers have already fixed the problem; hopefully that means they will release a new version containing this fix soon, at which time we can update the ghostscript port to that new version.
> I'm not sure whether the ghostscript developers are doing anything to resolve this: The mailing list you mention also states that you just hide the problem by using ghostscript-svn because that version uses freetype2 shipped with its sources but not the system one.

The implication of the name "ghostscript-svn" is that it is a version of ghostscript built by pulling the latest source from the ghostscript developers' svn repository, instead of the latest stable version 9.0.5, implying that the developers have already fixed this problem in their sources, and that that fix will make it into the next released version of ghostscript.

If that understanding is incorrect, then somebody should report the problem to the developers of ghostscript so that they can fix it for the next release.

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