spe for Python 2.7?

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Thu Mar 22 10:01:49 PDT 2012

>> I believe the normal way to deal with this is variants (or, for more complex situations, subports) that specify appropriately matched dependencies.
> Please reconcile with this from Ryan Schmidt:
>>> There only seems to be one port of spe.
>> And there should only be one. We provide multiple (sub)ports of python modules, but programs (like spe) that use python should only exist a single time in the tree.
> So Ryan says there should only be one in the tree.  What you are saying seems to be in conflict with that.  Pardon the confusion, I'm not familiar with writing portfiles.

Only one instance of your port should exist in the tree. Your port can have variants that conflict with each other to ensure that only one instance is installed at a time, tied tightly (set all dependencies to the same python, set the configure scripts, set shebangs) with the appropriate Python for your variants.

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