weirdness setting default perl version

Puneet Kishor punk.kish at
Thu Jun 27 11:24:03 PDT 2013

On Jun 27, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Jeremy Lavergne <jeremy at> wrote:

> The important point here is the difference between perl5 and perl5.XY. 

Right, thanks. But I thought the following would do that

	$ sudo port activate perl5.14 @5.14.2_2

At least that is what I would expect from a DWIM perspective.

Anyway, I used Bradley's suggestion to activate and set as default Perl 5.16.1 (the latest official version, 5.18.0, doesn't seem to be on yet).

>>> $ port provides /opt/local/bin/perl
>>> $ port variants perl5
>>> $ sudo port -n upgrade --enforce-variants perl5 -perl5_12 +perl5_14
>>> $ perl -v
>> wow! that seemed complicated, but it did the job. Many thanks,

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