"concurrent" qt4-mac: request feedback & testing for current port phase in Portfile?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 03:48:16 PST 2014


I have changed the +concurrent-detection block in qt4-1.0.tcl to

global qt4_is_concurrent
if {[variant_isset concurrent]} {
    # we're asking for a concurrent install. No need to guess anything, give the user what s/he wants
    set qt4_is_concurrent   1
} else {
    # check if Qt4 was installed with +concurrent, unless we're (re)building without that variant
    # that means that either building_qt4 isn't set, or the port's ${name} != "qt4-mac"
    # or the name variable isn't defined yet. That means the qt4-mac portfile must define its name
    # before declaring itself a member of PortGroup qt4!!
    if {![info exists building_qt4] || ![info exists name] || ${name} ne "qt4-mac"} {
        if {[file exists ${prefix}/libexec/${qt_name}/bin/qmake]} {
            # we have a "concurrent" install, which means we must look for the various components
            # in different locations (esp. qmake)
            if {![info exists qt4_is_concurrent]} {
                if {[info exists name]} {
                    ui_msg "NB:\nQt4 has been installed with +concurrent, ${name}\nwill inherit that variant implicitly\n"
                } else {
                    ui_msg "NB:\nQt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports\nwill inherit that variant implicitly\n"
            set qt4_is_concurrent   1
            set auto_concurrent 1
            #default_variants +concurrent

in an attempt to reduce the number of times the message is printed. That doesn't appear to work ... why?
Also, where does the "NFSHomeDirectory: /Users/bertin" message below come from, and why doesn't it appear as the first output?

#> port -v -k configure parley-devel +docs configure.optflags="-O3 -march=native -g"
Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, parley-devel
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, cmake
will inherit that variant implicitly

NFSHomeDirectory: /Users/bertin
Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, libkdeedu-devel
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

Qt4 has been installed with +concurrent, dependent ports
will inherit that variant implicitly

--->  Computing dependencies for parley-devel.
--->  Configuring parley-devel

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