Recent p5.16-module-runtime update broke p5.16-moose

Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri andreas.kahari at
Wed Jul 23 05:20:03 PDT 2014


I’m a new MacPorts user. Sorry for any newbie mistakes.

I’m using Moose from p5.16-moose, but with the recent update to p5.16-module-runtime it breaks:

$ perl -MMoose -e 1
Invalid version format (version required) at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.3/Module/ line 386.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

$ port list \( p5.16-moose or p5.16-module-runtime \) and installed and active
p5.16-moose                    @2.120.200      perl/p5-moose
p5.16-module-runtime           @0.14.0         perl/p5-module-runtime

This is the problem which is mentioned here:

The solution is to update Moose past version 2.120 (the latest version is, I think, 2.121-something).


Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
System Developer at BILS
Uppsala University, Sweden

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