gnome-terminal tabbed browsing

jsg72 at jsg72 at
Thu Jun 5 09:43:32 PDT 2014

I’m having some problems with gnome-terminal 3.12.2 regarding tabs and window/tab titles.  I’m using OSX 10.9.3 and XQuartz 2.7.6.


There is no File -> Open Tab.  I don’t know if this was removed in a recent version of gnome-terminal, but I haven’t seen any documentation to that effect.  The Help page says that tabs need to be enabled in Preferences, but there is no option to do that.  I can create a tab with a keyboard shortcut, with the —tab command-line option, or by selecting the "open new terminals in tab" preference.  When I do that, the tabs work but no title; they're just blank. 


Windows are called “Terminal”.  I can change the default title in the Profile Preferences, I can use Terminal -> Set Title…, and I can use —title on the command line, but none of those seem to have any effect.

The one way that seems to affect titles is to use an escape sequence in the shell.  That sets the tab title, and when the tab is selected, the window title changes to match it.  When I select any other tab (whose title is blank), the window title reverts to “Terminal”.

Is there something I’m missing?  I have workarounds, but this doesn’t seem quite right.


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