odt2txt port broken?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed May 4 04:38:30 PDT 2016

On May 4, 2016, at 5:43 AM, Bogdan P wrote:

> the port folder for odt2txt (0.4) only contains an HTML file - odt2txt-0.4.tar.gz.html - on most (all?) mirrors, so the fetch fails. 
> Is this intended so?

No, but it is a side effect of how MacPorts works, and how our distfile mirroring process works, in the case where the upstream server delivers (or, at the time when we attempted to mirror it, delivered) an HTML file instead of the file we requested. This happens when developers configure their web servers improperly.

If we look at the contents of the .html file, we see it is a copy of https://github.com/dstosberg/odt2txt which appears to be where the odt2txt project has moved. A new version has been released there as well. I should update the port for these changes.

I have written, but not yet deployed, a new mirroring script for the master server, which will not result in .html files being created for such unsuccessful mirroring attempts. The master also needs to be cleaned up to remove existing inappropriate .html files. The mirrors will mirror what's on our master.

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