kmymoney4 broken after update

Stanton Sanderson stansand at
Fri Sep 30 06:47:33 PDT 2016

> On Sep 30, 2016, at 5:17 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this will resolve this problem you're experiencing, but forcing the activation was definitely not good, and you should undo that. First you need to know which port you force-activated, and which other port's files got moved out of the way as a result. I assume you force-activated kdepimlibs4, and that it moved gpgme's files out of the way. This problem in kdepimlibs4 was fixed in r153292 on Wednesday. I suggest you `sudo port -f deactivate kdepimlibs4 gpgme`, then `sudo port activate gpgme`; gpgme's files should now be back in the right place. Then `sudo port selfupdate`. Then try `sudo port upgrade kdelimpibs4`. If you had the old conflicting version of kdepimlibs4, it should now be upgraded to the nonconflicting version. If you already had the nonconflicting version, nothing will happen, in which case you should be able to run `sudo port activate kdepimlibs4` without receiving an activation failure. You can then upgrade any remaining outdated ports with `sudo port upgrade outdated`. 

Thank you for your suggestion. I followed the steps as suggested (using the correct spelling for the upgrade step) but the process again failed at rebuilding kmymoney4. I activated gpgme @1.6.0_2 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_3 (which are still installed) and kmoney4 opened as before.

I uninstalled gpgme @1.7.0_0 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_4, then did a self update and upgrade outdated. After the upgrades, kmymoney4 attempts to upgrade and fails.

I’ll have to try more later. Thanks again.

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