[macruby-changes] [1466] MacRuby/branches/experimental

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Wed Apr 22 15:27:36 PDT 2009

Revision: 1466
Author:   eloy.de.enige at gmail.com
Date:     2009-04-22 15:27:33 -0700 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
Moved MacRuby only specs out of frozen RubySpec copy to spec/macruby.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: MacRuby/branches/experimental/rakelib/spec.rake
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/rakelib/spec.rake	2009-04-22 22:11:45 UTC (rev 1465)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/rakelib/spec.rake	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
   desc "Run all MacRuby-only specs"
   task :macruby do
-    sh "./miniruby -v -I./mspec/lib -I./lib ./mspec/bin/mspec-run spec/frozen/macruby"
+    sh "./mspec/bin/mspec run -t ./miniruby ./spec/macruby"
   desc "Run language examples that are known to fail"

Deleted: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport	2009-04-22 22:11:45 UTC (rev 1465)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd">
-<signatures version='0.9'>
-  <class name='TestMethod'>
-    <method selector='methodReturningYES'>
-      <retval type='B'/>
-    </method>
-    <method selector='methodReturningNO'>
-      <retval type='B'/>
-    </method>
-    <method selector='methodAcceptingTrueBOOL:'>
-      <arg index='0' type='B'/>
-    </method>
-    <method selector='methodAcceptingFalseBOOL:'>
-      <arg index='0' type='B'/>
-    </method>
-  </class>

Deleted: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.m
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.m	2009-04-22 22:11:45 UTC (rev 1465)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.m	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- at interface TestMethod : NSObject
- at end
- at implementation TestMethod
-- (void)methodReturningVoid
-- (id)methodReturningSelf
-    return self;
-- (id)methodReturningNil
-    return nil;
-- (id)methodReturningCFTrue
-    return (id)kCFBooleanTrue;
-- (id)methodReturningCFFalse
-    return (id)kCFBooleanFalse;
-- (id)methodReturningCFNull
-    return (id)kCFNull;
-- (BOOL)methodReturningYES
-    return YES;
-- (BOOL)methodReturningNO
-    return NO;
-- (char)methodReturningChar
-    return (char)42;
-- (char)methodReturningChar2
-    return (char)-42;
-- (unsigned char)methodReturningUnsignedChar
-    return (unsigned char)42;
-- (short)methodReturningShort
-    return (short)42;
-- (short)methodReturningShort2
-    return (short)-42;
-- (unsigned short)methodReturningUnsignedShort
-    return (unsigned short)42;
-- (int)methodReturningInt
-    return 42;
-- (int)methodReturningInt2
-    return -42;
-- (unsigned int)methodReturningUnsignedInt
-    return 42;
-- (long)methodReturningLong
-    return 42;
-- (long)methodReturningLong2
-    return -42;
-- (long)methodReturningLong3
-#if __LP64__
-    return 4611686018427387904;
-    return 1073741824;
-- (long)methodReturningLong4
-#if __LP64__
-    return -4611686018427387905;
-    return -1073741825;
-- (unsigned long)methodReturningUnsignedLong
-    return 42;
-- (unsigned long)methodReturningUnsignedLong2
-#if __LP64__
-    return 4611686018427387904;
-    return 1073741824;
-- (float)methodReturningFloat
-    return 3.1415;
-- (double)methodReturningDouble
-    return 3.1415;
-- (SEL)methodReturningSEL
-    return @selector(foo:with:with:);
-- (SEL)methodReturningSEL2
-    return 0;
-- (NSPoint)methodReturningNSPoint
-    return NSMakePoint(1, 2);
-- (NSSize)methodReturningNSSize
-    return NSMakeSize(3, 4);
-- (NSRect)methodReturningNSRect
-    return NSMakeRect(1, 2, 3, 4);
-- (NSRange)methodReturningNSRange
-    return NSMakeRange(0, 42);
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSelf:(id)obj
-    return obj == self;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSelfClass:(id)obj
-    return obj == [self class];
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNil:(id)obj
-    return obj == nil;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingTrue:(id)obj
-    return obj == (id)kCFBooleanTrue;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFalse:(id)obj
-    return obj == (id)kCFBooleanFalse;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFixnum:(id)obj
-    return [obj intValue] == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingChar:(char)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedChar:(unsigned char)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingShort:(short)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedShort:(unsigned short)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingInt:(int)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedInt:(unsigned int)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingLong:(long)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedLong:(unsigned long)c
-    return c == 42;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingTrueBOOL:(BOOL)b
-    return b == YES;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFalseBOOL:(BOOL)b
-    return b == NO;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSEL:(SEL)sel
-    return sel == @selector(foo:with:with:);
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSEL2:(SEL)sel
-    return sel == 0;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFloat:(float)f
-    return f > 3.1414 && f < 3.1416;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingDouble:(double)d
-    return d > 3.1414 && d < 3.1416;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSPoint:(NSPoint)p
-    return p.x == 1 && p.y == 2;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSSize:(NSSize)s
-    return s.width == 3 && s.height == 4;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSRect:(NSRect)r
-    return r.origin.x == 1 && r.origin.y == 2 && r.size.width == 3
-	&& r.size.height == 4;
-- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSRange:(NSRange)r
-    return r.location == 0 && r.length == 42;
- at end
-    // Do nothing.

Deleted: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/method_spec.rb
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/method_spec.rb	2009-04-22 22:11:45 UTC (rev 1465)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/method_spec.rb	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
-describe "A MacRuby method" do
-  it "uses argument-names + colon + variable syntax to form the method name" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
-    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething:withObject:').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething').should == false
-  end
-  it "can have multiple arguments with the same name" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething:withObject:withObject:').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething').should == false
-  end
-  it "can coexist with other selectors whose first part is similar" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.foo(x); x; end
-    def o.foo(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
-    def o.foo(x, withObject:y, andObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.respond_to?(:'foo').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'foo:withObject:').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'foo:withObject:andObject:').should == true
-  end
-  it "must start by a regular argument variable then followed by argument-names" do
-    lambda { eval("def foo(x:y); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
-    lambda { eval("def foo(x, y, with:z); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
-    lambda { eval("def foo(x, with:y, z); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
-  end
-  it "can be called using argument-names + colon + variable syntax" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.doSomething(30, withObject:10, withObject:2).should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called using argument-name-as-symbols + => + variable syntax" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.doSomething(30, :withObject => 10, :withObject => 2).should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called mixing both syntaxes" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.doSomething(30, withObject:10, :withObject => 2).should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called using #send" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
-    o.send(:'doSomething:withObject:withObject:', 30, 10, 2).should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:]" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething; 42; end
-    o.performSelector(:'doSomething').should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x); x; end
-    o.performSelector(:'doSomething:', withObject:42).should == 42
-  end
-  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:]" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
-    o.performSelector(:'doSomething:withObject:',
-                      withObject:40, withObject:2).should == 42
-  end
-  it "named using the setFoo pattern cannot be called using #foo=" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.setFoo(x); end
-    o.respond_to?(:'foo=').should == false
-    lambda { o.foo = 42 }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
-  end
-  it "named using the isFoo pattern cannot be called using #foo?" do
-    o = Object.new
-    def o.isFoo; end
-    o.respond_to?(:'foo?').should == false
-    lambda { o.foo? }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
-  end
-framework 'Foundation'
-fixture_source = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/method.m'
-fixture_ext = '/tmp/method.bundle'
-if !File.exist?(fixture_ext) or File.mtime(fixture_source) > File.mtime(fixture_ext)
-  # #system is currently broken
-  unless system("/usr/bin/gcc #{fixture_source} -o #{fixture_ext} -g -framework Foundation -dynamiclib -fobjc-gc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc")
-    $stderr.puts "cannot compile fixture source file `#{fixture_source}' - aborting"
-    exit 1
-  end
-  `/usr/bin/gcc #{fixture_source} -o #{fixture_ext} -g -framework Foundation -dynamiclib -fobjc-gc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc`
-require '/tmp/method'
-load_bridge_support_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/method.bridgesupport'
-describe "An Objective-C method" do
-  it "named using the setFoo pattern can be called using #foo=" do
-    o = []
-    o.respond_to?(:'setArray').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'array=').should == true
-    o.array = [1, 2, 3]
-    o.should == [1, 2, 3]
-  end
-  it "named using the isFoo pattern can be called using #foo?" do
-    o = NSBundle.mainBundle
-    o.respond_to?(:'isLoaded').should == true
-    o.respond_to?(:'loaded?').should == true
-    o.loaded?.should == true
-  end
-  it "is only exposed in #methods if the second argument is true" do
-    o = Object.new
-    o.methods.include?(:'performSelector').should == false
-    o.methods(true).include?(:'performSelector').should == false
-    o.methods(false).include?(:'performSelector').should == false
-    o.methods(true, true).include?(:'performSelector').should == true
-    o.methods(false, true).include?(:'performSelector').should == true
-  end
-  it "can be called on an immediate object" do
-    123.self.should == 123
-    true.self.should == true
-    false.self.should == false
-    nil.self.should == nil
-  end
-  it "returning void returns nil in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningVoid.should == nil
-  end
-  it "returning nil returns nil in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningNil.should == nil
-  end
-  it "returning self returns the same receiver object" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningSelf.should == o
-    o.methodReturningSelf.object_id == o.object_id
-  end
-  it "returning kCFBooleanTrue returns true in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningCFTrue.should == true
-    o.methodReturningCFTrue.class.should == TrueClass
-  end
-  it "returning kCFBooleanFalse returns false in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningCFFalse.should == false
-    o.methodReturningCFFalse.class.should == FalseClass
-  end
-  it "returning kCFNull returns nil in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningCFNull.should == nil
-    o.methodReturningCFNull.class.should == NilClass
-  end
-  it "returning YES returns true in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningYES.should == true
-  end
-  it "returning NO returns true in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningNO.should == false
-  end
-  it "returning 'char' or 'unsigned char' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningChar.should == 42
-    o.methodReturningChar2.should == -42
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedChar.should == 42
-  end
-  it "returning 'short' or 'unsigned short' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningShort.should == 42
-    o.methodReturningShort2.should == -42
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedShort.should == 42
-  end
-  it "returning 'int' or 'unsigned int' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningInt.should == 42
-    o.methodReturningInt2.should == -42
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedInt.should == 42
-  end
-  it "returning 'long' or 'unsigned long' returns a Fixnum if possible in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningLong.should == 42
-    o.methodReturningLong2.should == -42
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong.should == 42
-  end
-  it "returning 'long' or 'unsigned long' returns a Bignum if it cannot fix in a Fixnum in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningLong3.should ==
-      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? 4611686018427387904 : 1073741824)
-    o.methodReturningLong3.class.should == Bignum
-    o.methodReturningLong4.should ==
-      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? -4611686018427387905 : -1073741825)
-    o.methodReturningLong4.class.should == Bignum
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong2.should ==
-      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? 4611686018427387904 : 1073741824)
-    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong2.class.should == Bignum
-  end
-  it "returning 'float' returns a Float in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningFloat.should be_close(3.1415, 0.0001)
-    o.methodReturningFloat.class.should == Float
-  end
-  it "returning 'double' returns a Float in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningDouble.should be_close(3.1415, 0.0001)
-    o.methodReturningDouble.class.should == Float
-  end
-  it "returning 'SEL' returns a Symbol or nil in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodReturningSEL.class.should == Symbol
-    o.methodReturningSEL.should == :'foo:with:with:'
-    o.methodReturningSEL2.class.should == NilClass
-    o.methodReturningSEL2.should == nil
-  end
-  it "returning 'NSPoint' returns an NSPoint boxed object in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    b = o.methodReturningNSPoint
-    b.class.should == NSPoint
-    b.x.class.should == Float
-    b.x.should == 1.0
-    b.y.class.should == Float
-    b.y.should == 2.0
-  end
-  it "returning 'NSSize' returns an NSSize boxed object in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    b = o.methodReturningNSSize
-    b.class.should == NSSize
-    b.width.class.should == Float
-    b.width.should == 3.0
-    b.height.class.should == Float
-    b.height.should == 4.0
-  end
-  it "returning 'NSRect' returns an NSRect boxed object in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    b = o.methodReturningNSRect
-    b.class.should == NSRect
-    b.origin.class.should == NSPoint
-    b.origin.x.should == 1.0
-    b.origin.y.should == 2.0
-    b.size.class.should == NSSize
-    b.size.width.should == 3.0
-    b.size.height.should == 4.0
-  end
-  it "returning 'NSRange' returns an NSRange boxed object in Ruby" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    b = o.methodReturningNSRange
-    b.class.should == NSRange
-    b.location.class.should == Fixnum
-    b.location.should == 0
-    b.length.class.should == Fixnum
-    b.length.should == 42
-  end
-  it "accepting the receiver as 'id' should receive the exact same object" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingSelf(o).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting the receiver's class as 'id' should receive the exact same object" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingSelfClass(o.class).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting 'nil' as 'id' should receive Objective-C's nil" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingNil(nil).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting 'true' as 'id; should receive CF's kCFBooleanTrue" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingTrue(true).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting 'false' as 'id' should receive CF's kCFBooleanFalse" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingFalse(false).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting a Fixnum as 'id' should receive a Fixnum boxed object" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingFixnum(42).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting nil or false as 'BOOL' should receive NO, any other object should receive YES" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingFalseBOOL(nil).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingFalseBOOL(false).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(true).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(123).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL('foo').should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(Object.new).should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting a Fixnum-compatible object as 'char', 'unsigned char', 'short', 'unsigned short', 'int', 'unsigned int', 'long', 'unsigned long' should receive the converted data, or raise an exception" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingChar(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingShort(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingInt(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingLong(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(42).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingChar(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingShort(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingInt(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingLong(42.0).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(42.0).should == 1
-    o2 = Object.new
-    def o2.to_i; 42; end
-    o.methodAcceptingChar(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingShort(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingInt(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingLong(o2).should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(o2).should == 1
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingChar(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingShort(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingInt(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingLong(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingChar(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingShort(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingInt(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingLong(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-  end
-  it "accepting a one-character string as 'char' or 'unsigned char' should receive the first character" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingChar('*').should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar('*').should == 1
-  end
-  it "accepting a String, Symbol or nil as 'SEL' should receive the appropriate selector" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingSEL(:'foo:with:with:').should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingSEL('foo:with:with:').should == 1
-    o.methodAcceptingSEL2(nil).should == 1
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingSEL(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingSEL(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-  end
-  it "accepting a Float-compatible object as 'float' or 'double' should receive the appropriate data" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    o.methodAcceptingFloat(3.1415).should == 1 
-    o.methodAcceptingDouble(3.1415).should == 1
-    o2 = Object.new
-    def o2.to_f; 3.1415; end
-    o.methodAcceptingFloat(o2).should == 1 
-    o.methodAcceptingDouble(o2).should == 1
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingFloat(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingDouble(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingFloat(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingDouble(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
-  end
-  it "accepting an NSPoint, NSSize, NSRange or NSRect object as 'NSPoint', 'NSSize', 'NSRange' or 'NSRect' should receive the C structure" do
-    o = TestMethod.new
-    p = o.methodReturningNSPoint
-    o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(p).should == 1
-    p = o.methodReturningNSSize
-    o.methodAcceptingNSSize(p).should == 1
-    p = o.methodReturningNSRect
-    o.methodAcceptingNSRect(p).should == 1
-    p = o.methodReturningNSRange
-    o.methodAcceptingNSRange(p).should == 1
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(o.methodReturningNSSize) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
-  end

Copied: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport (from rev 1465, MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport)
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport	                        (rev 0)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.bridgesupport	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd">
+<signatures version='0.9'>
+  <class name='TestMethod'>
+    <method selector='methodReturningYES'>
+      <retval type='B'/>
+    </method>
+    <method selector='methodReturningNO'>
+      <retval type='B'/>
+    </method>
+    <method selector='methodAcceptingTrueBOOL:'>
+      <arg index='0' type='B'/>
+    </method>
+    <method selector='methodAcceptingFalseBOOL:'>
+      <arg index='0' type='B'/>
+    </method>
+  </class>

Copied: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.m (from rev 1465, MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/fixtures/method.m)
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/fixtures/method.m	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+ at interface TestMethod : NSObject
+ at end
+ at implementation TestMethod
+- (void)methodReturningVoid
+- (id)methodReturningSelf
+    return self;
+- (id)methodReturningNil
+    return nil;
+- (id)methodReturningCFTrue
+    return (id)kCFBooleanTrue;
+- (id)methodReturningCFFalse
+    return (id)kCFBooleanFalse;
+- (id)methodReturningCFNull
+    return (id)kCFNull;
+- (BOOL)methodReturningYES
+    return YES;
+- (BOOL)methodReturningNO
+    return NO;
+- (char)methodReturningChar
+    return (char)42;
+- (char)methodReturningChar2
+    return (char)-42;
+- (unsigned char)methodReturningUnsignedChar
+    return (unsigned char)42;
+- (short)methodReturningShort
+    return (short)42;
+- (short)methodReturningShort2
+    return (short)-42;
+- (unsigned short)methodReturningUnsignedShort
+    return (unsigned short)42;
+- (int)methodReturningInt
+    return 42;
+- (int)methodReturningInt2
+    return -42;
+- (unsigned int)methodReturningUnsignedInt
+    return 42;
+- (long)methodReturningLong
+    return 42;
+- (long)methodReturningLong2
+    return -42;
+- (long)methodReturningLong3
+#if __LP64__
+    return 4611686018427387904;
+    return 1073741824;
+- (long)methodReturningLong4
+#if __LP64__
+    return -4611686018427387905;
+    return -1073741825;
+- (unsigned long)methodReturningUnsignedLong
+    return 42;
+- (unsigned long)methodReturningUnsignedLong2
+#if __LP64__
+    return 4611686018427387904;
+    return 1073741824;
+- (float)methodReturningFloat
+    return 3.1415;
+- (double)methodReturningDouble
+    return 3.1415;
+- (SEL)methodReturningSEL
+    return @selector(foo:with:with:);
+- (SEL)methodReturningSEL2
+    return 0;
+- (NSPoint)methodReturningNSPoint
+    return NSMakePoint(1, 2);
+- (NSSize)methodReturningNSSize
+    return NSMakeSize(3, 4);
+- (NSRect)methodReturningNSRect
+    return NSMakeRect(1, 2, 3, 4);
+- (NSRange)methodReturningNSRange
+    return NSMakeRange(0, 42);
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSelf:(id)obj
+    return obj == self;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSelfClass:(id)obj
+    return obj == [self class];
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNil:(id)obj
+    return obj == nil;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingTrue:(id)obj
+    return obj == (id)kCFBooleanTrue;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFalse:(id)obj
+    return obj == (id)kCFBooleanFalse;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFixnum:(id)obj
+    return [obj intValue] == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingChar:(char)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedChar:(unsigned char)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingShort:(short)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedShort:(unsigned short)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingInt:(int)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedInt:(unsigned int)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingLong:(long)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingUnsignedLong:(unsigned long)c
+    return c == 42;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingTrueBOOL:(BOOL)b
+    return b == YES;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFalseBOOL:(BOOL)b
+    return b == NO;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSEL:(SEL)sel
+    return sel == @selector(foo:with:with:);
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingSEL2:(SEL)sel
+    return sel == 0;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingFloat:(float)f
+    return f > 3.1414 && f < 3.1416;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingDouble:(double)d
+    return d > 3.1414 && d < 3.1416;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSPoint:(NSPoint)p
+    return p.x == 1 && p.y == 2;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSSize:(NSSize)s
+    return s.width == 3 && s.height == 4;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSRect:(NSRect)r
+    return r.origin.x == 1 && r.origin.y == 2 && r.size.width == 3
+	&& r.size.height == 4;
+- (BOOL)methodAcceptingNSRange:(NSRange)r
+    return r.location == 0 && r.length == 42;
+ at end
+    // Do nothing.

Copied: MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/method_spec.rb (from rev 1465, MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/frozen/macruby/method_spec.rb)
--- MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/method_spec.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ MacRuby/branches/experimental/spec/macruby/method_spec.rb	2009-04-22 22:27:33 UTC (rev 1466)
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
+describe "A MacRuby method" do
+  it "uses argument-names + colon + variable syntax to form the method name" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
+    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething:withObject:').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething').should == false
+  end
+  it "can have multiple arguments with the same name" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething:withObject:withObject:').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'doSomething').should == false
+  end
+  it "can coexist with other selectors whose first part is similar" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.foo(x); x; end
+    def o.foo(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
+    def o.foo(x, withObject:y, andObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.respond_to?(:'foo').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'foo:withObject:').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'foo:withObject:andObject:').should == true
+  end
+  it "must start by a regular argument variable then followed by argument-names" do
+    lambda { eval("def foo(x:y); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
+    lambda { eval("def foo(x, y, with:z); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
+    lambda { eval("def foo(x, with:y, z); end") }.should raise_error(SyntaxError)
+  end
+  it "can be called using argument-names + colon + variable syntax" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.doSomething(30, withObject:10, withObject:2).should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called using argument-name-as-symbols + => + variable syntax" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.doSomething(30, :withObject => 10, :withObject => 2).should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called mixing both syntaxes" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.doSomething(30, withObject:10, :withObject => 2).should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called using #send" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y, withObject:z); x + y + z; end
+    o.send(:'doSomething:withObject:withObject:', 30, 10, 2).should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:]" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething; 42; end
+    o.performSelector(:'doSomething').should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:]" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x); x; end
+    o.performSelector(:'doSomething:', withObject:42).should == 42
+  end
+  it "can be called using -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:]" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.doSomething(x, withObject:y); x + y; end
+    o.performSelector(:'doSomething:withObject:',
+                      withObject:40, withObject:2).should == 42
+  end
+  it "named using the setFoo pattern cannot be called using #foo=" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.setFoo(x); end
+    o.respond_to?(:'foo=').should == false
+    lambda { o.foo = 42 }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
+  end
+  it "named using the isFoo pattern cannot be called using #foo?" do
+    o = Object.new
+    def o.isFoo; end
+    o.respond_to?(:'foo?').should == false
+    lambda { o.foo? }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
+  end
+framework 'Foundation'
+fixture_source = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/method.m'
+fixture_ext = '/tmp/method.bundle'
+if !File.exist?(fixture_ext) or File.mtime(fixture_source) > File.mtime(fixture_ext)
+  # #system is currently broken
+  unless system("/usr/bin/gcc #{fixture_source} -o #{fixture_ext} -g -framework Foundation -dynamiclib -fobjc-gc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc")
+    $stderr.puts "cannot compile fixture source file `#{fixture_source}' - aborting"
+    exit 1
+  end
+  `/usr/bin/gcc #{fixture_source} -o #{fixture_ext} -g -framework Foundation -dynamiclib -fobjc-gc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc`
+require '/tmp/method'
+load_bridge_support_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/method.bridgesupport'
+describe "An Objective-C method" do
+  it "named using the setFoo pattern can be called using #foo=" do
+    o = []
+    o.respond_to?(:'setArray').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'array=').should == true
+    o.array = [1, 2, 3]
+    o.should == [1, 2, 3]
+  end
+  it "named using the isFoo pattern can be called using #foo?" do
+    o = NSBundle.mainBundle
+    o.respond_to?(:'isLoaded').should == true
+    o.respond_to?(:'loaded?').should == true
+    o.loaded?.should == true
+  end
+  it "is only exposed in #methods if the second argument is true" do
+    o = Object.new
+    o.methods.include?(:'performSelector').should == false
+    o.methods(true).include?(:'performSelector').should == false
+    o.methods(false).include?(:'performSelector').should == false
+    o.methods(true, true).include?(:'performSelector').should == true
+    o.methods(false, true).include?(:'performSelector').should == true
+  end
+  it "can be called on an immediate object" do
+    123.self.should == 123
+    true.self.should == true
+    false.self.should == false
+    nil.self.should == nil
+  end
+  it "returning void returns nil in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningVoid.should == nil
+  end
+  it "returning nil returns nil in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningNil.should == nil
+  end
+  it "returning self returns the same receiver object" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningSelf.should == o
+    o.methodReturningSelf.object_id == o.object_id
+  end
+  it "returning kCFBooleanTrue returns true in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningCFTrue.should == true
+    o.methodReturningCFTrue.class.should == TrueClass
+  end
+  it "returning kCFBooleanFalse returns false in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningCFFalse.should == false
+    o.methodReturningCFFalse.class.should == FalseClass
+  end
+  it "returning kCFNull returns nil in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningCFNull.should == nil
+    o.methodReturningCFNull.class.should == NilClass
+  end
+  it "returning YES returns true in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningYES.should == true
+  end
+  it "returning NO returns true in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningNO.should == false
+  end
+  it "returning 'char' or 'unsigned char' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningChar.should == 42
+    o.methodReturningChar2.should == -42
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedChar.should == 42
+  end
+  it "returning 'short' or 'unsigned short' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningShort.should == 42
+    o.methodReturningShort2.should == -42
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedShort.should == 42
+  end
+  it "returning 'int' or 'unsigned int' returns a Fixnum in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningInt.should == 42
+    o.methodReturningInt2.should == -42
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedInt.should == 42
+  end
+  it "returning 'long' or 'unsigned long' returns a Fixnum if possible in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningLong.should == 42
+    o.methodReturningLong2.should == -42
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong.should == 42
+  end
+  it "returning 'long' or 'unsigned long' returns a Bignum if it cannot fix in a Fixnum in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningLong3.should ==
+      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? 4611686018427387904 : 1073741824)
+    o.methodReturningLong3.class.should == Bignum
+    o.methodReturningLong4.should ==
+      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? -4611686018427387905 : -1073741825)
+    o.methodReturningLong4.class.should == Bignum
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong2.should ==
+      (RUBY_ARCH == 'x86_64' ? 4611686018427387904 : 1073741824)
+    o.methodReturningUnsignedLong2.class.should == Bignum
+  end
+  it "returning 'float' returns a Float in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningFloat.should be_close(3.1415, 0.0001)
+    o.methodReturningFloat.class.should == Float
+  end
+  it "returning 'double' returns a Float in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningDouble.should be_close(3.1415, 0.0001)
+    o.methodReturningDouble.class.should == Float
+  end
+  it "returning 'SEL' returns a Symbol or nil in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodReturningSEL.class.should == Symbol
+    o.methodReturningSEL.should == :'foo:with:with:'
+    o.methodReturningSEL2.class.should == NilClass
+    o.methodReturningSEL2.should == nil
+  end
+  it "returning 'NSPoint' returns an NSPoint boxed object in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    b = o.methodReturningNSPoint
+    b.class.should == NSPoint
+    b.x.class.should == Float
+    b.x.should == 1.0
+    b.y.class.should == Float
+    b.y.should == 2.0
+  end
+  it "returning 'NSSize' returns an NSSize boxed object in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    b = o.methodReturningNSSize
+    b.class.should == NSSize
+    b.width.class.should == Float
+    b.width.should == 3.0
+    b.height.class.should == Float
+    b.height.should == 4.0
+  end
+  it "returning 'NSRect' returns an NSRect boxed object in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    b = o.methodReturningNSRect
+    b.class.should == NSRect
+    b.origin.class.should == NSPoint
+    b.origin.x.should == 1.0
+    b.origin.y.should == 2.0
+    b.size.class.should == NSSize
+    b.size.width.should == 3.0
+    b.size.height.should == 4.0
+  end
+  it "returning 'NSRange' returns an NSRange boxed object in Ruby" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    b = o.methodReturningNSRange
+    b.class.should == NSRange
+    b.location.class.should == Fixnum
+    b.location.should == 0
+    b.length.class.should == Fixnum
+    b.length.should == 42
+  end
+  it "accepting the receiver as 'id' should receive the exact same object" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingSelf(o).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting the receiver's class as 'id' should receive the exact same object" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingSelfClass(o.class).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting 'nil' as 'id' should receive Objective-C's nil" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingNil(nil).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting 'true' as 'id; should receive CF's kCFBooleanTrue" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingTrue(true).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting 'false' as 'id' should receive CF's kCFBooleanFalse" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingFalse(false).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting a Fixnum as 'id' should receive a Fixnum boxed object" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingFixnum(42).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting nil or false as 'BOOL' should receive NO, any other object should receive YES" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingFalseBOOL(nil).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingFalseBOOL(false).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(true).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(123).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL('foo').should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingTrueBOOL(Object.new).should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting a Fixnum-compatible object as 'char', 'unsigned char', 'short', 'unsigned short', 'int', 'unsigned int', 'long', 'unsigned long' should receive the converted data, or raise an exception" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingChar(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingShort(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingInt(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingLong(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(42).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingChar(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingShort(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingInt(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingLong(42.0).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(42.0).should == 1
+    o2 = Object.new
+    def o2.to_i; 42; end
+    o.methodAcceptingChar(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingShort(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingInt(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingLong(o2).should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(o2).should == 1
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingChar(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingShort(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingInt(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingLong(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingChar(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingShort(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedShort(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingInt(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedInt(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingLong(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingUnsignedLong(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+  end
+  it "accepting a one-character string as 'char' or 'unsigned char' should receive the first character" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingChar('*').should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingUnsignedChar('*').should == 1
+  end
+  it "accepting a String, Symbol or nil as 'SEL' should receive the appropriate selector" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingSEL(:'foo:with:with:').should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingSEL('foo:with:with:').should == 1
+    o.methodAcceptingSEL2(nil).should == 1
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingSEL(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingSEL(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+  end
+  it "accepting a Float-compatible object as 'float' or 'double' should receive the appropriate data" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    o.methodAcceptingFloat(3.1415).should == 1 
+    o.methodAcceptingDouble(3.1415).should == 1
+    o2 = Object.new
+    def o2.to_f; 3.1415; end
+    o.methodAcceptingFloat(o2).should == 1 
+    o.methodAcceptingDouble(o2).should == 1
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingFloat(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingDouble(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingFloat(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingDouble(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) 
+  end
+  it "accepting an NSPoint, NSSize, NSRange or NSRect object as 'NSPoint', 'NSSize', 'NSRange' or 'NSRect' should receive the C structure" do
+    o = TestMethod.new
+    p = o.methodReturningNSPoint
+    o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(p).should == 1
+    p = o.methodReturningNSSize
+    o.methodAcceptingNSSize(p).should == 1
+    p = o.methodReturningNSRect
+    o.methodAcceptingNSRect(p).should == 1
+    p = o.methodReturningNSRange
+    o.methodAcceptingNSRange(p).should == 1
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSPoint(o.methodReturningNSSize) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSSize(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRect(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(123) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+    lambda { o.methodAcceptingNSRange(o.methodReturningNSPoint) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+  end
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