[macruby-changes] [4145] MacRuby/trunk/perf/perf_algo.rb

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Tue May 25 01:24:47 PDT 2010

Revision: 4145
Author:   lsansonetti at apple.com
Date:     2010-05-25 01:24:44 -0700 (Tue, 25 May 2010)
Log Message:
added the AO bench into the algo perf suite

Modified Paths:

Modified: MacRuby/trunk/perf/perf_algo.rb
--- MacRuby/trunk/perf/perf_algo.rb	2010-05-25 01:55:01 UTC (rev 4144)
+++ MacRuby/trunk/perf/perf_algo.rb	2010-05-25 08:24:44 UTC (rev 4145)
@@ -64,3 +64,292 @@
 perf_test('mandelbrot') { mandelbrot }
+module AOBench
+  # AO render benchmark 
+  # Original program (C) Syoyo Fujita in Javascript (and other languages)
+  #      http://lucille.atso-net.jp/blog/?p=642
+  #      http://lucille.atso-net.jp/blog/?p=711
+  # Ruby(yarv2llvm) version by Hideki Miura
+  #      http://github.com/miura1729/yarv2llvm/blob/a888d8ce6855e70b630a8673d4cfe075a8e44f0e/sample/ao-render.rb
+  # Modified by Tomoyuki Chikanaga
+  #
+  IMAGE_WIDTH = 64   # original value: 256
+  IMAGE_HEIGHT = 64  # original value: 256
+  NAO_SAMPLES = 6    # original value: 8
+  class Vec
+    def initialize(x, y, z)
+      @x = x
+      @y = y
+      @z = z
+    end
+    attr_accessor :x, :y, :z
+    def vadd(b)
+      Vec.new(@x + b.x, @y + b.y, @z + b.z)
+    end
+    def vsub(b)
+      Vec.new(@x - b.x, @y - b.y, @z - b.z)
+    end
+    def vcross(b)
+      Vec.new(@y * b.z - @z * b.y,
+              @z * b.x - @x * b.z,
+              @x * b.y - @y * b.x)
+    end
+    def vdot(b)
+      @x * b.x + @y * b.y + @z * b.z
+    end
+    def vlength
+      Math.sqrt(@x * @x + @y * @y + @z * @z)
+    end
+    def vnormalize!
+      len = vlength
+      if len > 1.0e-17
+        r_len = 1.0 / len
+        @x *= r_len
+        @y *= r_len
+        @z *= r_len
+      end
+      self
+    end
+  end
+  class Sphere
+    def initialize(center, radius)
+      @center = center
+      @radius_2 = radius * radius
+    end
+    def intersect(ray, isect)
+      rs = ray.org.vsub(@center)
+      b = rs.vdot(ray.dir)
+      c = rs.vdot(rs) - @radius_2
+      d = b * b - c
+      if d > 0.0
+        t = - b - Math.sqrt(d)
+        isect.cross(self, ray, t)
+      end
+      nil
+    end
+    def normal_vec(pos)
+      pos.vsub(@center).vnormalize!
+    end
+  end
+  class Plane
+    def initialize(p, n)
+      @p = p
+      @n = n
+    end
+    def intersect(ray, isect)
+      d = - at p.vdot(@n)
+      v = ray.dir.vdot(@n)
+      v0 = v
+      if v < 0.0
+        v0 = -v
+      end
+      if v0 < 1.0e-17
+        return
+      end
+      t = -(ray.org.vdot(@n) + d) / v
+      isect.cross(self, ray, t)
+      nil
+    end
+    def normal_vec(pos)
+      @n
+    end
+  end
+  class Ray
+    def initialize(org, dir)
+      @org = org
+      @dir = dir
+    end
+    attr_reader :org, :dir
+  end
+  class Isect
+    def initialize
+      @t = Float::MAX
+      @hit = false
+      @pl = Vec.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+      @normal = Vec.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    end
+    attr_reader :normal
+    def hit?
+      @hit
+    end
+    def cross(geom, ray, dist)
+      if 0.0 < dist and dist < @t
+        @hit = true
+        @t = dist
+        @pl = Vec.new(ray.org.x + ray.dir.x * dist,
+                      ray.org.y + ray.dir.y * dist,
+                      ray.org.z + ray.dir.z * dist)
+        @normal = geom.normal_vec(@pl)
+      end
+      nil
+    end
+    def surface(eps)
+      Vec.new(@pl.x + eps * @normal.x,
+              @pl.y + eps * @normal.y,
+              @pl.z + eps * @normal.z)
+    end
+  end
+  def self.clamp(f)
+    i = f * 255.5
+    if i > 255.0
+      i = 255.0
+    end
+    if i < 0.0
+      i = 0.0
+    end
+    i.round
+  end
+  def self.otherBasis(basis, n)
+    basis[2] = Vec.new(n.x, n.y, n.z)
+    basis[1] = Vec.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    if n.x < 0.6 and n.x > -0.6
+      basis[1].x = 1.0
+    elsif n.y < 0.6 and n.y > -0.6
+      basis[1].y = 1.0
+    elsif n.z < 0.6 and n.z > -0.6
+      basis[1].z = 1.0
+    else
+      basis[1].x = 1.0
+    end
+    basis[0] = basis[1].vcross(basis[2])
+    basis[0].vnormalize!
+    basis[1] = basis[2].vcross(basis[0])
+    basis[1].vnormalize!
+  end
+  class Scene
+    def initialize
+      @spheres = Array.new
+      @spheres[0] = Sphere.new(Vec.new(-2.0, 0.0, -3.5), 0.5)
+      @spheres[1] = Sphere.new(Vec.new(-0.5, 0.0, -3.0), 0.5)
+      @spheres[2] = Sphere.new(Vec.new(1.0, 0.0, -2.2), 0.5)
+      @plane = Plane.new(Vec.new(0.0, -0.5, 0.0), Vec.new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
+    end
+    def ambient_occlusion(isect)
+      basis = Array.new
+      AOBench.otherBasis(basis, isect.normal)
+      ntheta    = NAO_SAMPLES
+      nphi      = NAO_SAMPLES
+      eps       = 0.0001
+      occlusion = 0.0
+      p0 = isect.surface(eps)
+      nphi.times do |j|
+        ntheta.times do |i|
+          r = rand
+          rr = Math.sqrt(1.0 - r)
+          phi = 2.0 * Math::PI * rand
+          x = Math.cos(phi) * rr
+          y = Math.sin(phi) * rr
+          z = Math.sqrt(r)
+          rx = x * basis[0].x + y * basis[1].x + z * basis[2].x
+          ry = x * basis[0].y + y * basis[1].y + z * basis[2].y
+          rz = x * basis[0].z + y * basis[1].z + z * basis[2].z
+          raydir = Vec.new(rx, ry, rz)
+          ray = Ray.new(p0, raydir)
+          occisect = Isect.new
+          @spheres[0].intersect(ray, occisect)
+          @spheres[1].intersect(ray, occisect)
+          @spheres[2].intersect(ray, occisect)
+          @plane.intersect(ray, occisect)
+          if occisect.hit?
+            occlusion = occlusion + 1.0
+          else
+            0.0
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      occlusion = (ntheta * nphi - occlusion).to_f / (ntheta * nphi)
+      occlusion
+    end
+    def render(w, h, nsubsamples)
+      cnt = 0
+      pixbuf = []
+      nsf = nsubsamples.to_f
+      nsf_2 = nsf * nsf
+      h.times do |y|
+        w.times do |x|
+          rad = 0.0
+          # Subsmpling
+          nsubsamples.times do |v|
+            nsubsamples.times do |u|
+              cnt = cnt + 1
+              wf = w.to_f
+              hf = h.to_f
+              xf = x.to_f
+              yf = y.to_f
+              uf = u.to_f
+              vf = v.to_f
+              px = (xf + (uf / nsf) - (wf / 2.0)) / (wf / 2.0)
+              py = -(yf + (vf / nsf) - (hf / 2.0)) / (hf / 2.0)
+              eye = Vec.new(px, py, -1.0)
+              eye.vnormalize!
+              ray = Ray.new(Vec.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), eye)
+              isect = Isect.new
+              @spheres[0].intersect(ray, isect)
+              @spheres[1].intersect(ray, isect)
+              @spheres[2].intersect(ray, isect)
+              @plane.intersect(ray, isect)
+              if isect.hit?
+                rad += ambient_occlusion(isect)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          pixbuf << AOBench.clamp(rad / nsf_2)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self.test
+  end
+perf_test('ao_bench') { AOBench.test }
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