[macruby-changes] [4718] DietRB/trunk/spec

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Fri Oct 8 04:04:12 PDT 2010

Revision: 4718
Author:   eloy.de.enige at gmail.com
Date:     2010-10-08 04:04:11 -0700 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
Log Message:
Move specs for ext libs into a ext sub dir.

From: Eloy Duran <eloy.de.enige at gmail.com>

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: DietRB/trunk/spec/colorize_spec.rb
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/colorize_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:00 UTC (rev 4717)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/colorize_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__)
-require 'irb/ext/colorize'
-main = self
-describe "IRB::ColoredFormatter" do
-  before do
-    @formatter = IRB::ColoredFormatter.new
-    @context = IRB::Context.new(main)
-  end
-  it "colorizes a constant" do
-    @formatter.result(Hash).should == "=> \e[1;32mHash\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes a numeric" do
-    @formatter.result(1).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m"
-    @formatter.result(1.2).should == "=> \e[0;36m1.2\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  # Not Wirble compliant
-  it "colorizes a Range" do
-    # @formatter.result(1..3).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;31m..\e[0;0m\e[0;36m3\e[0;0m"
-    @formatter.result(1..3).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;34m..\e[0;0m\e[0;36m3\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes a String" do
-    @formatter.result("foo bar").should == "=> \e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m\e[0;36mfoo bar\e[0;0m\e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes a Hash" do
-    @formatter.result(:ok => :foo).should == "=> \e[0;32m{\e[0;0m\e[1;33m:\e[0;0m\e[1;33mok\e[0;0m\e[0;34m=>\e[0;0m\e[1;33m:\e[0;0m\e[1;33mfoo\e[0;0m\e[0;32m}\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes an Array" do
-    @formatter.result([1, 2]).should == "=> \e[0;32m[\e[0;0m\e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;34m,\e[0;0m \e[0;36m2\e[0;0m\e[0;32m]\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes the prompt" do
-    @formatter.colors[:prompt] = :light_green
-    @formatter.prompt(@context).should == "\e[1;32m#{IRB::Formatter.new.prompt(@context)}\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "colorizes the result prefix" do
-    @formatter.colors[:result_prefix] = :light_red
-    @formatter.result("").should == "\e[1;31m=>\e[0;0m \e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m\e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m"
-  end
-  it "uses the dark_background color scheme by default" do
-    @formatter.color_scheme.should == :dark_background
-  end
-  it "changes color scheme" do
-    @formatter.color_scheme = :fresh
-    @formatter.color_scheme.should == :fresh
-    @formatter.colors[:result_prefix].should == :light_purple
-  end
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: DietRB/trunk/spec/completion_spec.rb
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/completion_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:00 UTC (rev 4717)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/completion_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__)
-require 'irb/ext/completion'
-module CompletionHelper
-  def complete(str)
-    IRB::Completion.new(@context, str).results
-  end
-  def imethods(klass, receiver = nil)
-    klass.instance_methods.map { |m| [receiver, m.to_s].compact.join('.') }.sort
-  end
-  def methods(object, receiver = nil)
-    object.methods.map { |m| [receiver, m.to_s].compact.join('.') }.sort
-  end
-class CompletionStub
-  def self.a_cmethod
-  end
-  def an_imethod
-  end
-class Playground
-  CompletionStub = Object.new
-  def CompletionStub.a_singleton_method; end
-  def a_local_method; end
-$a_completion_stub = CompletionStub.new
-describe "IRB::Completion" do
-  extend CompletionHelper
-  before do
-    @context = IRB::Context.new(Playground.new)
-  end
-  it "quacks like a Proc" do
-    IRB::Completion.call('//.').should == imethods(Regexp, '//')
-  end
-  describe "when doing a method call on an explicit receiver," do
-    describe "and the source ends with a period," do
-      describe "returns *all* public methods of the receiver that" do
-        it "matches as a local variable" do
-          @context.__evaluate__('foo = ::CompletionStub.new')
-          complete('foo.').should == imethods(::CompletionStub, 'foo')
-          @context.__evaluate__('def foo.singleton_method; end')
-          complete('foo.').should include('foo.singleton_method')
-        end
-        it "matches as a global variable" do
-          complete('$a_completion_stub.').should == imethods(::CompletionStub, '$a_completion_stub')
-        end
-        # TODO: fix
-        # it "matches as a local constant" do
-        #   complete('CompletionStub.').should == methods(Playground::CompletionStub)
-        # end
-        it "matches as a top level constant" do
-          complete('::CompletionStub.').should == methods(::CompletionStub, '::CompletionStub')
-        end
-      end
-      describe "returns *all* public instance methods of the class (the receiver) that" do
-        it "matches as a Regexp literal" do
-          complete('//.').should == imethods(Regexp, '//')
-          complete('/^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/.').should == imethods(Regexp, '/^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/')
-          complete('/^(#{oops})\.([^.]*)$/.').should == imethods(Regexp, '/^(#{oops})\.([^.]*)$/')
-          complete('%r{/foo/.*/bar}.').should == imethods(Regexp, '%r{/foo/.*/bar}')
-        end
-        it "matches as an Array literal" do
-          complete('[].').should == imethods(Array, '[]')
-          complete('[:ok, {}, "foo",].').should == imethods(Array, '[:ok, {}, "foo",]')
-          complete('[*foo].').should == imethods(Array, '[*foo]')
-          complete('%w{foo}.').should == imethods(Array, '%w{foo}')
-          complete('%W{#{:foo}}.').should == imethods(Array, '%W{#{:foo}}')
-        end
-        # fails on MacRuby
-        it "matches as a lambda literal" do
-          complete('->{}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->{}')
-          complete('->{x=:ok}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->{x=:ok}')
-          complete('->(x){x=:ok}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->(x){x=:ok}')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Hash literal" do
-          complete('{}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{}')
-          complete('{:foo=>:bar,}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{:foo=>:bar,}')
-          complete('{foo:"bar"}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{foo:"bar"}')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Symbol literal" do
-          complete(':foo.').should == imethods(Symbol, ':foo')
-          complete(':"foo.bar".').should == imethods(Symbol, ':"foo.bar"')
-          complete(':"foo.#{"bar"}".').should == imethods(Symbol, ':"foo.#{"bar"}"')
-          complete(':\'foo.#{"bar"}\'.').should == imethods(Symbol, ':\'foo.#{"bar"}\'')
-          complete('%s{foo.bar}.').should == imethods(Symbol, '%s{foo.bar}')
-        end
-        it "matches as a String literal" do
-          complete("'foo\\'bar'.").should == imethods(String, "'foo\\'bar'")
-          complete('"foo\"bar".').should == imethods(String, '"foo\"bar"')
-          complete('"foo#{"bar"}".').should == imethods(String, '"foo#{"bar"}"')
-          complete('%{foobar}.').should == imethods(String, '%{foobar}')
-          complete('%q{foo#{:bar}}.').should == imethods(String, '%q{foo#{:bar}}')
-          complete('%Q{foo#{:bar}}.').should == imethods(String, '%Q{foo#{:bar}}')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Range literal" do
-          complete('1..10.').should == imethods(Range, '1..10')
-          complete('1...10.').should == imethods(Range, '1...10')
-          complete('"a".."z".').should == imethods(Range, '"a".."z"')
-          complete('"a"..."z".').should == imethods(Range, '"a"..."z"')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Fixnum literal" do
-          complete('42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '42')
-          complete('+42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+42')
-          complete('-42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-42')
-          complete('42_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '42_000')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Bignum literal as a Fixnum" do
-          complete('100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
-          complete('-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
-          complete('+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Float with exponential literal" do
-          complete('1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '1.2e-3')
-          complete('+1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '+1.2e-3')
-          complete('-1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '-1.2e-3')
-        end
-        it "matches as a hex literal as a Fixnum" do
-          complete('0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0xffff')
-          complete('+0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0xffff')
-          complete('-0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0xffff')
-        end
-        it "matches as a binary literal as a Fixnum" do
-          complete('0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0b01011')
-          complete('-0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0b01011')
-          complete('+0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0b01011')
-        end
-        it "matches as an octal literal as a Fixnum" do
-          complete('0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0377')
-          complete('-0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0377')
-          complete('+0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0377')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Float literal" do
-          complete('42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '42.0')
-          complete('-42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '-42.0')
-          complete('+42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '+42.0')
-          complete('42_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '42_000.0')
-        end
-        it "matches as a Bignum float literal as a Float" do
-          complete('100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
-          complete('+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
-          complete('-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
-        end
-      end
-      it "returns *all* public instance methods of the class (the receiver) that ::new is called on" do
-        complete("Playground.new.").should == imethods(Playground, 'Playground.new')
-        complete("Playground.new.a_local_m").should == %w{ Playground.new.a_local_method }
-        @context.__evaluate__("klass = Playground")
-        complete("klass.new.").should == imethods(Playground, 'klass.new')
-        complete("klass.new.a_local_m").should == %w{ klass.new.a_local_method }
-      end
-    end
-    describe "and the source does *not* end with a period," do
-      it "filters the methods, of the literal receiver, by the given method name" do
-        complete('//.nam').should == %w{ //.named_captures //.names }
-        complete('//.named').should == %w{ //.named_captures }
-      end
-      it "filters the methods, of the variable receiver, by the given method name" do
-        @context.__evaluate__('foo = ::CompletionStub.new')
-        complete('foo.an_im').should == %w{ foo.an_imethod }
-        complete('$a_completion_stub.an_im').should == %w{ $a_completion_stub.an_imethod }
-        # TODO: fix
-        # complete('CompletionStub.a_sing').should == %w{ CompletionStub.a_singleton_method }
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  describe "when *not* doing a method call on an explicit receiver" do
-    before do
-      @context.__evaluate__("a_local_variable = :ok")
-    end
-    it "matches local variables" do
-      complete("a_local_v").should == %w{ a_local_variable }
-    end
-    it "matches instance methods of the context object" do
-      complete("a_local_m").should == %w{ a_local_method }
-    end
-    it "matches local variables and instance method of the context object" do
-      complete("a_loc").should == %w{ a_local_method a_local_variable }
-    end
-    it "matches global variables" do
-      complete("$a_completion_s").should == %w{ $a_completion_stub }
-    end
-    it "matches constants" do
-      complete("Playgr").should == %w{ Playground }
-    end
-    it "matches top level constants" do
-      complete("::CompletionSt").should == %w{ ::CompletionStub }
-    end
-  end
-  it "completes reserved words as variables or constants" do
-      IRB::Completion::RESERVED_UPCASE_WORDS).each do |word|
-      complete(word[0..-2]).should include(word)
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/colorize_spec.rb (from rev 4717, DietRB/trunk/spec/colorize_spec.rb)
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/colorize_spec.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/colorize_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require 'irb/ext/colorize'
+main = self
+describe "IRB::ColoredFormatter" do
+  before do
+    @formatter = IRB::ColoredFormatter.new
+    @context = IRB::Context.new(main)
+  end
+  it "colorizes a constant" do
+    @formatter.result(Hash).should == "=> \e[1;32mHash\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes a numeric" do
+    @formatter.result(1).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m"
+    @formatter.result(1.2).should == "=> \e[0;36m1.2\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  # Not Wirble compliant
+  it "colorizes a Range" do
+    # @formatter.result(1..3).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;31m..\e[0;0m\e[0;36m3\e[0;0m"
+    @formatter.result(1..3).should == "=> \e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;34m..\e[0;0m\e[0;36m3\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes a String" do
+    @formatter.result("foo bar").should == "=> \e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m\e[0;36mfoo bar\e[0;0m\e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes a Hash" do
+    @formatter.result(:ok => :foo).should == "=> \e[0;32m{\e[0;0m\e[1;33m:\e[0;0m\e[1;33mok\e[0;0m\e[0;34m=>\e[0;0m\e[1;33m:\e[0;0m\e[1;33mfoo\e[0;0m\e[0;32m}\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes an Array" do
+    @formatter.result([1, 2]).should == "=> \e[0;32m[\e[0;0m\e[0;36m1\e[0;0m\e[0;34m,\e[0;0m \e[0;36m2\e[0;0m\e[0;32m]\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes the prompt" do
+    @formatter.colors[:prompt] = :light_green
+    @formatter.prompt(@context).should == "\e[1;32m#{IRB::Formatter.new.prompt(@context)}\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "colorizes the result prefix" do
+    @formatter.colors[:result_prefix] = :light_red
+    @formatter.result("").should == "\e[1;31m=>\e[0;0m \e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m\e[0;31m\"\e[0;0m"
+  end
+  it "uses the dark_background color scheme by default" do
+    @formatter.color_scheme.should == :dark_background
+  end
+  it "changes color scheme" do
+    @formatter.color_scheme = :fresh
+    @formatter.color_scheme.should == :fresh
+    @formatter.colors[:result_prefix].should == :light_purple
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/completion_spec.rb (from rev 4717, DietRB/trunk/spec/completion_spec.rb)
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/completion_spec.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/completion_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require 'irb/ext/completion'
+module CompletionHelper
+  def complete(str)
+    IRB::Completion.new(@context, str).results
+  end
+  def imethods(klass, receiver = nil)
+    klass.instance_methods.map { |m| [receiver, m.to_s].compact.join('.') }.sort
+  end
+  def methods(object, receiver = nil)
+    object.methods.map { |m| [receiver, m.to_s].compact.join('.') }.sort
+  end
+class CompletionStub
+  def self.a_cmethod
+  end
+  def an_imethod
+  end
+class Playground
+  CompletionStub = Object.new
+  def CompletionStub.a_singleton_method; end
+  def a_local_method; end
+$a_completion_stub = CompletionStub.new
+describe "IRB::Completion" do
+  extend CompletionHelper
+  before do
+    @context = IRB::Context.new(Playground.new)
+  end
+  it "quacks like a Proc" do
+    IRB::Completion.call('//.').should == imethods(Regexp, '//')
+  end
+  describe "when doing a method call on an explicit receiver," do
+    describe "and the source ends with a period," do
+      describe "returns *all* public methods of the receiver that" do
+        it "matches as a local variable" do
+          @context.__evaluate__('foo = ::CompletionStub.new')
+          complete('foo.').should == imethods(::CompletionStub, 'foo')
+          @context.__evaluate__('def foo.singleton_method; end')
+          complete('foo.').should include('foo.singleton_method')
+        end
+        it "matches as a global variable" do
+          complete('$a_completion_stub.').should == imethods(::CompletionStub, '$a_completion_stub')
+        end
+        # TODO: fix
+        # it "matches as a local constant" do
+        #   complete('CompletionStub.').should == methods(Playground::CompletionStub)
+        # end
+        it "matches as a top level constant" do
+          complete('::CompletionStub.').should == methods(::CompletionStub, '::CompletionStub')
+        end
+      end
+      describe "returns *all* public instance methods of the class (the receiver) that" do
+        it "matches as a Regexp literal" do
+          complete('//.').should == imethods(Regexp, '//')
+          complete('/^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/.').should == imethods(Regexp, '/^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/')
+          complete('/^(#{oops})\.([^.]*)$/.').should == imethods(Regexp, '/^(#{oops})\.([^.]*)$/')
+          complete('%r{/foo/.*/bar}.').should == imethods(Regexp, '%r{/foo/.*/bar}')
+        end
+        it "matches as an Array literal" do
+          complete('[].').should == imethods(Array, '[]')
+          complete('[:ok, {}, "foo",].').should == imethods(Array, '[:ok, {}, "foo",]')
+          complete('[*foo].').should == imethods(Array, '[*foo]')
+          complete('%w{foo}.').should == imethods(Array, '%w{foo}')
+          complete('%W{#{:foo}}.').should == imethods(Array, '%W{#{:foo}}')
+        end
+        # fails on MacRuby
+        it "matches as a lambda literal" do
+          complete('->{}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->{}')
+          complete('->{x=:ok}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->{x=:ok}')
+          complete('->(x){x=:ok}.').should == imethods(Proc, '->(x){x=:ok}')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Hash literal" do
+          complete('{}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{}')
+          complete('{:foo=>:bar,}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{:foo=>:bar,}')
+          complete('{foo:"bar"}.').should == imethods(Hash, '{foo:"bar"}')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Symbol literal" do
+          complete(':foo.').should == imethods(Symbol, ':foo')
+          complete(':"foo.bar".').should == imethods(Symbol, ':"foo.bar"')
+          complete(':"foo.#{"bar"}".').should == imethods(Symbol, ':"foo.#{"bar"}"')
+          complete(':\'foo.#{"bar"}\'.').should == imethods(Symbol, ':\'foo.#{"bar"}\'')
+          complete('%s{foo.bar}.').should == imethods(Symbol, '%s{foo.bar}')
+        end
+        it "matches as a String literal" do
+          complete("'foo\\'bar'.").should == imethods(String, "'foo\\'bar'")
+          complete('"foo\"bar".').should == imethods(String, '"foo\"bar"')
+          complete('"foo#{"bar"}".').should == imethods(String, '"foo#{"bar"}"')
+          complete('%{foobar}.').should == imethods(String, '%{foobar}')
+          complete('%q{foo#{:bar}}.').should == imethods(String, '%q{foo#{:bar}}')
+          complete('%Q{foo#{:bar}}.').should == imethods(String, '%Q{foo#{:bar}}')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Range literal" do
+          complete('1..10.').should == imethods(Range, '1..10')
+          complete('1...10.').should == imethods(Range, '1...10')
+          complete('"a".."z".').should == imethods(Range, '"a".."z"')
+          complete('"a"..."z".').should == imethods(Range, '"a"..."z"')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Fixnum literal" do
+          complete('42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '42')
+          complete('+42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+42')
+          complete('-42.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-42')
+          complete('42_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '42_000')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Bignum literal as a Fixnum" do
+          complete('100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
+          complete('-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
+          complete('+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+100_000_000_000_000_000_000')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Float with exponential literal" do
+          complete('1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '1.2e-3')
+          complete('+1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '+1.2e-3')
+          complete('-1.2e-3.').should == imethods(Float, '-1.2e-3')
+        end
+        it "matches as a hex literal as a Fixnum" do
+          complete('0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0xffff')
+          complete('+0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0xffff')
+          complete('-0xffff.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0xffff')
+        end
+        it "matches as a binary literal as a Fixnum" do
+          complete('0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0b01011')
+          complete('-0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0b01011')
+          complete('+0b01011.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0b01011')
+        end
+        it "matches as an octal literal as a Fixnum" do
+          complete('0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '0377')
+          complete('-0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '-0377')
+          complete('+0377.').should == imethods(Fixnum, '+0377')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Float literal" do
+          complete('42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '42.0')
+          complete('-42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '-42.0')
+          complete('+42.0.').should == imethods(Float, '+42.0')
+          complete('42_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '42_000.0')
+        end
+        it "matches as a Bignum float literal as a Float" do
+          complete('100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
+          complete('+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '+100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
+          complete('-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0.').should == imethods(Float, '-100_000_000_000_000_000_000.0')
+        end
+      end
+      it "returns *all* public instance methods of the class (the receiver) that ::new is called on" do
+        complete("Playground.new.").should == imethods(Playground, 'Playground.new')
+        complete("Playground.new.a_local_m").should == %w{ Playground.new.a_local_method }
+        @context.__evaluate__("klass = Playground")
+        complete("klass.new.").should == imethods(Playground, 'klass.new')
+        complete("klass.new.a_local_m").should == %w{ klass.new.a_local_method }
+      end
+    end
+    describe "and the source does *not* end with a period," do
+      it "filters the methods, of the literal receiver, by the given method name" do
+        complete('//.nam').should == %w{ //.named_captures //.names }
+        complete('//.named').should == %w{ //.named_captures }
+      end
+      it "filters the methods, of the variable receiver, by the given method name" do
+        @context.__evaluate__('foo = ::CompletionStub.new')
+        complete('foo.an_im').should == %w{ foo.an_imethod }
+        complete('$a_completion_stub.an_im').should == %w{ $a_completion_stub.an_imethod }
+        # TODO: fix
+        # complete('CompletionStub.a_sing').should == %w{ CompletionStub.a_singleton_method }
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe "when *not* doing a method call on an explicit receiver" do
+    before do
+      @context.__evaluate__("a_local_variable = :ok")
+    end
+    it "matches local variables" do
+      complete("a_local_v").should == %w{ a_local_variable }
+    end
+    it "matches instance methods of the context object" do
+      complete("a_local_m").should == %w{ a_local_method }
+    end
+    it "matches local variables and instance method of the context object" do
+      complete("a_loc").should == %w{ a_local_method a_local_variable }
+    end
+    it "matches global variables" do
+      complete("$a_completion_s").should == %w{ $a_completion_stub }
+    end
+    it "matches constants" do
+      complete("Playgr").should == %w{ Playground }
+    end
+    it "matches top level constants" do
+      complete("::CompletionSt").should == %w{ ::CompletionStub }
+    end
+  end
+  it "completes reserved words as variables or constants" do
+      IRB::Completion::RESERVED_UPCASE_WORDS).each do |word|
+      complete(word[0..-2]).should include(word)
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/history_spec.rb (from rev 4717, DietRB/trunk/spec/history_spec.rb)
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/history_spec.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/ext/history_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require "tempfile"
+describe "IRB::History, by default," do
+  it "stores the history in ~/.irb_history" do
+    IRB::History.file.should == File.expand_path("~/.irb_history")
+  end
+describe "IRB::History" do
+  before do
+    @file = Tempfile.new("irb_history.txt")
+    IRB::History.file = @file.path
+    @history = IRB::History.new(nil)
+  end
+  after do
+    @file.close
+  end
+  it "adds input to the history file" do
+    @history.input "puts :ok"
+    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == "puts :ok\n"
+    @history.input "foo(x)"
+    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == "puts :ok\nfoo(x)\n"
+  end
+  it "returns the same input value" do
+    @history.input("foo(x)").should == "foo(x)"
+  end
+  it "returns the contents of the history file as an array of lines" do
+    @history.input "puts :ok"
+    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok"]
+    @history.input "foo(x)"
+    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok", "foo(x)"]
+  end
+  it "returns an empty array if the history file doesn't exist yet and create it once input is added" do
+    @file.close
+    FileUtils.rm(@file.path)
+    @history.to_a.should == []
+    File.exist?(@file.path).should == false
+    @history.input "puts :ok"
+    File.exist?(@file.path).should == true
+    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok"]
+  end
+  it "stores the contents of the history file in Readline::HISTORY once" do
+    Readline::HISTORY.clear
+    @history.input "puts :ok"
+    @history.input "foo(x)"
+    IRB::History.new(nil)
+    IRB::History.new(nil)
+    Readline::HISTORY.to_a.should == ["puts :ok", "foo(x)"]
+  end
+  it "clears the history and history file" do
+    @history.input "puts :ok"
+    @history.input "foo(x)"
+    @history.clear!
+    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == ""
+    Readline::HISTORY.to_a.should == []
+  end
+class IRB::History
+  def printed
+    @printed ||= ""
+  end
+  def print(s)
+    printed << s
+  end
+  def puts(s)
+    printed << "#{s}\n"
+  end
+  def clear!
+    @cleared = true
+  end
+  def cleared?
+    @cleared
+  end
+describe "IRB::History, concerning the user api, by default," do
+  it "shows a maximum of 50 history entries" do
+    IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview.should == 50
+  end
+describe "IRB::History, concerning the user api," do
+  before do
+    sources = [
+      "puts :ok",
+      "x = foo(x)",
+      "class AAA",
+      "  def bar",
+      "    :ok",
+      "  end",
+      "end",
+    ]
+    Readline::HISTORY.clear
+    sources.each { |source| Readline::HISTORY.push(source) }
+    IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview = 5
+    @context = IRB::Context.new(Object.new)
+    IRB::Context.current = @context
+    @history = @context.processors.find { |p| p.is_a?(IRB::History) }
+  end
+  after do
+    IRB::Context.current = nil
+  end
+  it "returns nil so that IRB doesn't cache some arbitrary line number" do
+    history.should == nil
+  end
+  it "prints a formatted list with, by default IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview, number of history entries" do
+    history
+    @history.printed.should == %{
+2: class AAA
+3:   def bar
+4:     :ok
+5:   end
+6: end
+}.sub(/\n/, '')
+  end
+  it "prints a formatted list of N most recent history entries" do
+    history(7)
+    @history.printed.should == %{
+0: puts :ok
+1: x = foo(x)
+2: class AAA
+3:   def bar
+4:     :ok
+5:   end
+6: end
+}.sub(/\n/, '')
+  end
+  it "prints a formatted list of all history entries if the request number of entries is more than there is" do
+    history(777)
+    @history.printed.should == %{
+0: puts :ok
+1: x = foo(x)
+2: class AAA
+3:   def bar
+4:     :ok
+5:   end
+6: end
+}.sub(/\n/, '')
+  end
+  it "evaluates the history entry specified" do
+    @context.__evaluate__("x = 2; def foo(x); x * 2; end")
+    history! 1
+    @context.__evaluate__("x").should == 4
+  end
+  it "evaluates the history entries specified by a range" do
+    history! 2..6
+    @context.__evaluate__("AAA.new.bar").should == :ok
+  end
+  it "clears the history and history file" do
+    clear_history!
+    @history.cleared?.should == true
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: DietRB/trunk/spec/history_spec.rb
--- DietRB/trunk/spec/history_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:00 UTC (rev 4717)
+++ DietRB/trunk/spec/history_spec.rb	2010-10-08 11:04:11 UTC (rev 4718)
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__)
-require "tempfile"
-describe "IRB::History, by default," do
-  it "stores the history in ~/.irb_history" do
-    IRB::History.file.should == File.expand_path("~/.irb_history")
-  end
-describe "IRB::History" do
-  before do
-    @file = Tempfile.new("irb_history.txt")
-    IRB::History.file = @file.path
-    @history = IRB::History.new(nil)
-  end
-  after do
-    @file.close
-  end
-  it "adds input to the history file" do
-    @history.input "puts :ok"
-    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == "puts :ok\n"
-    @history.input "foo(x)"
-    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == "puts :ok\nfoo(x)\n"
-  end
-  it "returns the same input value" do
-    @history.input("foo(x)").should == "foo(x)"
-  end
-  it "returns the contents of the history file as an array of lines" do
-    @history.input "puts :ok"
-    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok"]
-    @history.input "foo(x)"
-    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok", "foo(x)"]
-  end
-  it "returns an empty array if the history file doesn't exist yet and create it once input is added" do
-    @file.close
-    FileUtils.rm(@file.path)
-    @history.to_a.should == []
-    File.exist?(@file.path).should == false
-    @history.input "puts :ok"
-    File.exist?(@file.path).should == true
-    @history.to_a.should == ["puts :ok"]
-  end
-  it "stores the contents of the history file in Readline::HISTORY once" do
-    Readline::HISTORY.clear
-    @history.input "puts :ok"
-    @history.input "foo(x)"
-    IRB::History.new(nil)
-    IRB::History.new(nil)
-    Readline::HISTORY.to_a.should == ["puts :ok", "foo(x)"]
-  end
-  it "clears the history and history file" do
-    @history.input "puts :ok"
-    @history.input "foo(x)"
-    @history.clear!
-    @file.rewind; @file.read.should == ""
-    Readline::HISTORY.to_a.should == []
-  end
-class IRB::History
-  def printed
-    @printed ||= ""
-  end
-  def print(s)
-    printed << s
-  end
-  def puts(s)
-    printed << "#{s}\n"
-  end
-  def clear!
-    @cleared = true
-  end
-  def cleared?
-    @cleared
-  end
-describe "IRB::History, concerning the user api, by default," do
-  it "shows a maximum of 50 history entries" do
-    IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview.should == 50
-  end
-describe "IRB::History, concerning the user api," do
-  before do
-    sources = [
-      "puts :ok",
-      "x = foo(x)",
-      "class AAA",
-      "  def bar",
-      "    :ok",
-      "  end",
-      "end",
-    ]
-    Readline::HISTORY.clear
-    sources.each { |source| Readline::HISTORY.push(source) }
-    IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview = 5
-    @context = IRB::Context.new(Object.new)
-    IRB::Context.current = @context
-    @history = @context.processors.find { |p| p.is_a?(IRB::History) }
-  end
-  after do
-    IRB::Context.current = nil
-  end
-  it "returns nil so that IRB doesn't cache some arbitrary line number" do
-    history.should == nil
-  end
-  it "prints a formatted list with, by default IRB::History.max_entries_in_overview, number of history entries" do
-    history
-    @history.printed.should == %{
-2: class AAA
-3:   def bar
-4:     :ok
-5:   end
-6: end
-}.sub(/\n/, '')
-  end
-  it "prints a formatted list of N most recent history entries" do
-    history(7)
-    @history.printed.should == %{
-0: puts :ok
-1: x = foo(x)
-2: class AAA
-3:   def bar
-4:     :ok
-5:   end
-6: end
-}.sub(/\n/, '')
-  end
-  it "prints a formatted list of all history entries if the request number of entries is more than there is" do
-    history(777)
-    @history.printed.should == %{
-0: puts :ok
-1: x = foo(x)
-2: class AAA
-3:   def bar
-4:     :ok
-5:   end
-6: end
-}.sub(/\n/, '')
-  end
-  it "evaluates the history entry specified" do
-    @context.__evaluate__("x = 2; def foo(x); x * 2; end")
-    history! 1
-    @context.__evaluate__("x").should == 4
-  end
-  it "evaluates the history entries specified by a range" do
-    history! 2..6
-    @context.__evaluate__("AAA.new.bar").should == :ok
-  end
-  it "clears the history and history file" do
-    clear_history!
-    @history.cleared?.should == true
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
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