[MacRuby-devel] books for learning cocoa

Jakub Suder jakub.suder at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 14:32:24 PDT 2008


I read about the MacRuby project a few days ago, and I've decided it  
would be nice to try to learn more about it, and then maybe actually  
write some applications using it. But the problem is, while I'm quite  
good at Ruby (I work as a Rails developer), I'm completely new to  
Cocoa programming and even to Macs in general.

So I'd like to ask you, could you recommend me some [e]books or other  
sources of information that would help me get started? Should I get  
some book about general Cocoa programming (non-Ruby) at first? Or  
maybe something about RubyCocoa, like this http://pragprog.com/titles/bmrc/rubycocoa 
  ? How big difference is there between programming in RubyCocoa and  
in MacRuby - is it small enough to be able to learn everything from a  
RubyCocoa book and then just change a few simple things to adapt that  
knowledge to MacRuby?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Jakub Suder

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