[MacRuby-devel] What's the best way to implement a delegate/action with multiple parameters?

Michael Winterstein parzival at mindspring.com
Thu Nov 20 22:27:13 PST 2008

I'm pretty new to Cocoa, so maybe I'm overlooking the obvious here.  I  
just want to make sure I'm not doing more work than necessary.

I'd like to be able to control the minimum size for a NSSplitView.  As  
I understand it, I need to have a delegate with a method that can handle

So far that isn't supported using Interface Builder, is it?

If I need to do it 'manually'  - do I get a reference to the  
NSSplitView, and then tell it to set its delegate to something that  
responds to the method?  When/where should I do this - in the Window  
Controller's AwakeFromNib or some other place?

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