[MacRuby-devel] [hotcocoa] http wrapper, what do you think?

Matt Aimonetti mattaimonetti at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 11:08:01 PDT 2009

In my free time, I've been working on a http://lighthouseapp.com client app
which mixes API calls with webkit views (I'll release the source code later
The app is 100% HotCocoa (meaning that I didn't use any nib/xibs).
For people who are not used to work with delegation, having to deal with
file download, URL queries can be a bit challenging if you want to start
using the underlying obj-c methods.

That's why I wrote a small HTTP wrapper to clean up my code and make
download/queries easier.
The library is divided in 2 major parts, a helper and the Query/Response

Here is how the helper looks like so far:

 Download helper making file download trivial
 Pass an url, and a block or a delegator
 A block takes precedence over a delegator, meaning that you can't
 pass a delegator and use a block, you have to choose which approach
 to pick.

 ==== Parameters
 url<String>:: url of the resource to download
 options<Hash>:: optional options used for the query
 &block<block>:: block which is called when the file is downloaded

 ==== Options
 :method<String, Symbol>:: An optional value which represents the HTTP
method to use
 :payload<String>::    - data to pass to a POST, PUT, DELETE query.
 :delegation<Object>:: - class or instance to call when the file is
                         the handle_query_response method will be called on
                         passed object
 :save_to<String>::    - path to save the response to
 :credential<Hash>::   - should contains the :user key and :password key
                         By default the credential will be saved for the
entire session

 :progress <Proc>::    Proc to call everytime the downloader makes some
 :custom headers
 Error handling

 ==== Examples

    download("http://www.macruby.org/files/MacRuby%200.4.zip", {:save_to =>
'~/tmp/macruby.zip'.stringByStandardizingPath}) do |macruby|
      NSLog("file downloaded!")

   download "http://macruby.org" do |mr|
     # The response object has 3 accessors: status_code, headers and body
     NSLog("status: #{mr.status_code}, Headers: #{mr.headers.inspect}")

   path = File.expand_path('~/macruby_tmp.html')
   window :frame => [100, 100, 500, 500], :title => "HotCocoa" do |win|
     download("http://macruby.org", {:save_to => path}) do |homepage|
       win << label(:text => "status code: #{homepage.status_code}", :layout
=> {:start => false})
       win << label(:text => "Headers: #{homepage.headers.inspect}", :layout
=> {:start => false})

   download "http://macruby.org/users/matt", :delegation =>
@downloaded_file, :method => 'PUT', :payload => {:name => 'matt aimonetti'}

   download "http://macruby.org/roadmap.xml", :delegation => self

   download "http://localhost:5984/couchrest-test/", :method => 'POST',
:payload => '{"user":"mattaimonetti at gmail.com","zip":92129}', :delegation =>

   download("http://mysite.com/login", {:credential => {:user => 'me',
:password => 's3krit'}}) do |test|
     NSLog("response received: #{test.headers} #{test.status_code}")

As you can see from the example list, the method name download isn't always
appropriate and maybe I should give it the http_query alias. What do you
What's nice with this approach, is that on top of being simple, the query
and the response handling are async so the rest of your code can be run and
you get notified only when the response comes back.

The underlying API looks like that:  MacRubyHTTP::Query.new( url,
http_method='GET', options={} )
Queries don't run in a custom runloop yet but that's something I want to
look at once IO work on the experimental branch will be done.

So, here is my question, do you guys think that this is something that
should be part of HotCocoa or it's better if it stays its own separate lib?
Also, what do you think about having a default vendor folder for hotcocoa
apps and autoload the vendor files if available?

- Matt
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