[MacRuby-devel] Iconv and MacRoman

Yvon Thoraval yvon.thoraval at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 07:49:21 PDT 2010

Hey all,

I've downloaded and installed the latest and get an error when attempting to
convert from UTF-8 to MacRoman, here is the error message :

`ns_encoding:': unrecognized encoding `' (RuntimeError)
    from /Users/yt/dev/Signature/./change_signature_macruby.rb:199:in
    from /Users/yt/dev/Signature/./change_signature_macruby.rb:192:in
    from /Users/yt/dev/Signature/./change_signature_macruby.rb:65:in
    from /Users/yt/dev/Signature/./change_signature_macruby.rb:4:in `<main>'

the faulty script being :

      utf8_2_macroman = Iconv.new('MacRoman', 'UTF-8')
      la[i] = utf8_2_macroman.iconv(signature.split(/#{LF}/).join(CR))

it seems MacRuby isn't using the same iconv as ruby 1.9 because a similar
sript, running well with Ruby 1.9, uses :
      la[i] = Iconv.conv('MacRoman', 'UTF-8',

however, with that line i get :
/Users/yt/dev/Signature/./change_signature_macruby.rb:199:in `block':
undefined method `conv' for Iconv:Class (NoMethodError)


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