[MacRuby-devel] Using a context with addObserver

Dave Baldwin dave.baldwin at dsl.pipex.com
Tue May 18 15:05:11 PDT 2010

Hi Laurent,

I am converting the Apple Sketch sample app to macruby and this construct is used everywhere.  My understanding (maybe faulty) is all they are trying to do is generate a unique pointer - pointing at a unique static string should do this, and by assigning it to a constant will show up compile errors if spelt wrong.

The context argument can just be a constant to allow the response to the observed behaviour to vary or it can be auxiliary information so this makes sense to me as you might need to know why, how or who caused something changed, rather than just the fact it has changed.

 In Ruby you would probably just use a symbol, but I presume this would throw up a run time error like a string does.


On 18 May 2010, at 22:36, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Sorry for the late reply.
> I'm afraid it's not currently possible to pass a string as an API that accepts a 'void *' (which seems to be your case). If you file a ticket on the tracker we can address this problem.
> Your Pointer.new call may not raise a runtime exception but I suspect it's not going to behave correctly later.
> I'm not familiar with the API you are using but it seems very uncommon to pass constants as context arguments to alter behaviors. Maybe there is another way to do what you want?
> Laurent
> On May 17, 2010, at 2:25 AM, Dave Baldwin wrote:
>> Digging a bit more I think a solution to my own questions is:
>> On 13 May 2010, at 14:33, Dave Baldwin wrote:
>>> I am trying to translate code that looks like this:
>>> static NSString *SKTWindowControllerCanvasSizeObservationContext = @"com.apple.SKTWindowController.canvasSize";
>>> and later
>>> [[self document] addObserver:self forKeyPath:SKTDocumentCanvasSizeKey options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:SKTWindowControllerCanvasSizeObservationContext];
>>> to Ruby:
>>> SKTWindowControllerCanvasSizeObservationContext = "com.apple.SKTWindowController.canvasSize"
>> SKTWindowControllerCanvasSizeObservationContext = Pointer.new(:char)
>> as all we are after is a unique value.  I still don't understand why the original version wasn't acceptable as the documentation says the context argument can be a C pointer or an object reference.  Anyhow, this has got me past this point but I have still to prove the final result when it is used by the observer.
>>> document.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: SKTDocumentCanvasSizeKey, 
>>> 						options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew,
>>> 						context:SKTWindowControllerCanvasSizeObservationContext)
>>> but when it runs I get this error:
>>>  expected instance of Pointer, got `"com.apple.SKTWindowController.canvasSize"' (String) (TypeError)
>>> How do I get the a pointer to the context string?  All the examples I have found for the Pointer class seem to expect an objective C routing to fill it in.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave.
>> Dave.
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