[MacRuby-devel] IRB update

Eloy Duran eloy.de.enige at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 06:44:03 PDT 2010


As some of you may know, we have a new implementation of IRB since
MacRuby 0.7. My hope was nobody would notice the changes, but this was
obviously wishful thinking :) So from now on, whenever there are major
changes, I’ll write an update about them. I’d be very grateful if
people can try MacRuby trunk or the nightly installer package.
Alternatively, you should be able to install the gem version (on MRI
1.9 as well), although I haven't tried this myself:

Last night I’ve updated the included version to 0.6.0. This version
adds the following features:
* Auto-indentation, which is enabled by default.
* Complete file paths in strings. This works for strings that have
*not* been closed yet.


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