[MacRuby-devel] Is is possible to debug a MacRuby Cocoa app?

Ryan Porter rap at endymion.com
Mon Nov 22 08:01:16 PST 2010

Thank you very much for the replies.

I completely understand now about the state of the debugger, and I'm interested in alpha testing whatever debugger is available.  I'm not afraid of experimental, bleeding-edge code and tweaking things out.

Clicking on lines in XCode to set breakpoints like a VB coder is NOT what I was imagining at all.  I use Ruby a lot, and one of the things that I love the most about dynamic runtime environments is the ability to stop code while it's executing, and then interact with objects using the same language that I use in the code files.  The simple ability to insert a "debugger" statement to trigger ruby-debug to stop and give me a prompt where I can type "User.last.inspect" is a very powerful thing.  Far more powerful than GDB could ever hope to be.  I understand that there won't be integration with XCode for a long time, and that if/when there is XCode debugger integration that it won't necessarily look or feel like using GDB in XCode.

Given my hopes/expectations, is there any way to set up a Cocoa app so that it runs code in macrubyd intead of macruby?  So that I can set a breakpoint to stop it and look around?  I definitely don't care whether I have to set the breakpoint from the command line or even from hard-coding the breakpoint in my Cocoa app's main.m main() function or whatever.  If anybody could provide any pointers on any way to use macrubyd to debug a Cocoa app then I would really appreciate the guidance.

Thank you again for MacRuby!  It's an incredibly elegant and beautiful thing, and I think that in the near future it's going to be very important to a lot of people.


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