[MacRuby-devel] MacRuby classes delete/overwrite Objective-C classes?

Caio Chassot lists at caiochassot.com
Fri Feb 11 22:40:21 PST 2011

On 2011-02-12, at 01:59 , Robert Payne wrote:
> The behavior I'm expecting is to see "Hello world" in the console but it seems as if the entire Objective-C method was deleted. I don't have a method in the Ruby class called helloWorld.

There's likely something wrong somewhere else in your project. If you post the whole compilable thing to github maybe we can take a look.

This works:

$ cat foo.m
#import <MacRuby/MacRuby.h>
@interface Foo : NSObject {}
-(NSString*) helloWorld;

@implementation Foo
-(NSString*) helloWorld {
  return @"hello";

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
  [[MacRuby sharedRuntime] evaluateFileAtPath:@"foo.rb"];
  Foo* foo = [Foo new];
  NSLog(@"IM IN UR OBJC %@", [foo helloWorld]);
  NSLog(@"IM IN UR OBJC %@", [foo performRubySelector:@selector(helloRuby)]);
  // you could use the following too but it would generate a compile warning:
  // NSLog(@"IM IN UR OBJC %@", [foo helloRuby]);
  return 0;

$ cat foo.rb
class Foo
  def helloRuby
    "hello ruby"

NSLog("IM IN UR RUBY: %@", Foo.new.helloWorld)
NSLog("IM IN UR RUBY: %@", Foo.new.helloRuby)

$ clang -o foo foo.m -fobjc-gc-only -framework MacRuby -framework Foundation
$ ./foo 
2011-02-12 04:36:21.709 foo[26994:903] IM IN UR RUBY: hello
2011-02-12 04:36:21.713 foo[26994:903] IM IN UR RUBY: hello ruby
2011-02-12 04:36:21.714 foo[26994:903] IM IN UR OBJC hello
2011-02-12 04:36:21.714 foo[26994:903] IM IN UR OBJC hello ruby

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