[MacRuby-devel] Setting properties on a dereferenced NSRangePointer has no effect

Caio Chassot lists at caiochassot.com
Fri Jan 21 13:37:56 PST 2011

Hi all,

NSFormatter defines a method with the following selector:

This is its signature:
    - (BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString **)partialStringPtr
                  originalString:(NSString *)origString
                errorDescription:(NSString **)error

The relevant bit here is the proposedSelRangePtr argument, which is a NSRangePointer.

When subclassing NSFormatter in ruby, I define the method as:

    def isPartialStringValid(partialStringPtr,

When implementing the Cocoa Programming exercises in MacRuby, I ran across the following situation:

At some point in that method definition, in the original code, Aaron sets the range properties directly:

    proposedSelRangePtr->location = [*partialStringPtr length];
    proposedSelRangePtr->length   = [match length] - proposedSelRangePtr->location;

Initially, I did similar in MacRuby

    proposedSelRangePtr[0].location = partialStringPtr[0].length
    proposedSelRangePtr[0].length   = match.length - proposedSelRangePtr[0].location

This has no effect. It does not raise, but the values go unchanged. I can NSLog the range values before and after and they're the same.

My final solution was to assign a new range to that location:

    proposedSelRangePtr[0] = NSRange.new(partialStringPtr[0].length, match.length - partialStringPtr[0].length)

But I wonder why setting the range properties had no effect. MacRuby bug?

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