[MacRuby-devel] How do people deal with macgem overwriting MRI gem binaries?

isaac kearse isaackearse at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 19:07:06 PDT 2011

At the moment macgem will prompt the user with this warning when
trying to install nokogiri (if you have already installed it with

WARNING:  You are installing a new version of /usr/bin/nokogiri.
This file already exists with a different shebang, possibly from a different
ruby implementation or version. This operation may break the script.
Do you still wish to continue?

Ideally I would like to install macgem binaries in /usr/local/bin -
does that mean I always have to specify --bindir when installing and
uninstalling gems with MacRuby?

I guess it is possible to put the --bindir option in the ~/.gemrc
file, but then it will be picked up by MRI as well as MacRuby I think.

How are other people dealing with this issue?


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