[MacRuby-devel] MacRuby build issues with LLVM

Nick Ludlam nick at recoil.org
Sun Mar 6 04:12:32 PST 2011

Hi all,
I've just got myself set up on one of the Sandy Bridge laptops, and I've broken my compile environment for MacRuby, and cannot seem to get it back.

I've done the following to get llvm-2.8:

$ svn co https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/tags/RELEASE_28 llvm-2.8
$ env UNIVERSAL=1 UNIVERSAL_ARCH="i386 x86_64" CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/bin/g++ ./configure --enable-bindings=none --enable-optimized --with-llvmgccdir=/tmp --prefix=/opt/llvm-macruby
$ sudo env UNIVERSAL=1 UNIVERSAL_ARCH="i386 x86_64" CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make -j4
$ sudo env UNIVERSAL=1 UNIVERSAL_ARCH="i386 x86_64" CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make install

This has given me a complete but separate llvm tree in /opt/llvm-macruby/. Within the MacRuby git clone (HEAD), I'm doing:

rake llvm_path=/opt/llvm-macruby/

to allow it to see the llvm install. I've also added /opt/llvm-macruby/bin to my shell path. But the build fails with a deep llvm voodoo issue that I'm not even sure how to start addressing. It's in the part of the build where miniruby is used to compile rbconfig.rb, and I've separated the output here:

$ ./miniruby -I. -I./lib bin/rubyc --internal --arch x86_64 -C "rbconfig.rb" -o "./rbconfig.rbo"
LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: 0x103097410: f64 = bit_convert 0x1030b6c10 [ORD=391] [ID=7]
  0x1030b6c10: i64 = and 0x1030b6f10, 0x103087e10 [ORD=390] [ID=6]
    0x1030b6f10: i64,ch = CopyFromReg 0x1039104a8, 0x1030b9010 [ORD=390] [ID=5]
      0x1039104a8: ch = EntryToken [ORD=390] [ID=0]
      0x1030b9010: i64 = Register %reg16384 [ORD=390] [ID=1]
    0x103087e10: i64 = Constant<-4> [ORD=390] [ID=2]

I get exactly the same issue when I was trying to use the llvm from the Homebrew port system, and also when I install llvm into /usr/local (which I'd like to avoid, as I'm trying to use Homebrew for anything in that path).

Anybody got a suggestion as to what I can try next?


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