[MacRuby-devel] GPL and the App Store

Mike Boone mike at boonedocks.net
Fri Oct 7 05:32:48 PDT 2011

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Joshua Ballanco <jballanc at gmail.com> wrote:
> If you look closely at the license text in parse.c there is a special
> exception for programs that are not parser generators, which would cover the
> use of parse.c in Ruby. As for util.c, the only section of the code
> mentioning the GPL is surrounded with pre-processor directives that only
> include the code in question on Windows builds (and, so far as I am aware,
> no one has compiled MacRuby on Windows yet).

This is what I was trying to understand. Perhaps putting something
like this in a note in the License folder is overkill, but it's nice
to have it mentioned somewhere, even if it's just this discussion in
the mailing list. I don't consider it legal advice, just additional
detail about how the source code is used. I just want to interpret the
licenses as best I can before I spend time writing code. You have
helped me to understand it better.


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