[MacRuby-devel] CocoaPods, an Objective-C library package manager. Now with OS X and BridgeSupport support!

Eloy Duran eloy.de.enige at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 15:30:04 PDT 2011


I’ve just released CocoaPods 0.1.0 https://github.com/alloy/cocoapods, which can now be used for OS X development. In addition it now also generated BridgeSupport metadata files from the Pods, which makes it very easy to use these libraries from MacRuby.

There is a MacRuby example which uses ASIHTTPRequest and SBJson: https://github.com/alloy/cocoapods/blob/master/examples/MacRubySample/MacRubySample/AppDelegate.rb

To run it locally, follow these steps and then build it from Xcode:

$ macgem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
$ git clone git at github.com:alloy/cocoapods.git
$ cd cocoapods/examples/MacRubySample
$ pod install
$ open MacRubySample.xcworkspace

(For now there’s still one small caveat, which is that CocoaPods doesn’t yet configure the generated xcode project to compile with GC support, so you will have to enable that manually now. This will soon be fixed.)


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