[MacRuby-devel] NSPoint and CGPoint issue

Min Soo Kim minsookim at mac.com
Sun Dec 9 16:10:05 PST 2012

Hello David,

In your error message it says
> undefined method `￯﾿ᄐ￯﾿ᄐ'

Why are you getting `￯﾿ᄐ￯﾿ᄐ' instead of 'setFrameOrigin'?
Do you have some foreign encoded text somewhere?

Min Soo Kim

On Dec 10, 2012, at 1:41 AM, david kramf wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to create an NSPoint object so I can call setFrameOrigin but I get in response a CGPoint object . When I pass the CGPoint to setFrameOrigin , it crashes. How do I make NSMakePoint making an NSPoint object and not a CGPoint object.
> Thank you for  your help, 
> David Kramf
>  def  initLabel(h)
>         @label = NSTextField.alloc.initWithFrame(CGRectMake(0,0,250, 45))
>         @label.setStringValue(h)
>         @label.drawsBackground = false
>         @label.bezeled = false
>         @label.font = NSFont.fontWithName("Arial", size:45.0)
>         @label.editable = false
>         puts "class of label is #{@label.class}"
>         width = (@window.contentView.frameSize.width/2.0)-(@label.frameSize.width/2.0)
>         height = (@window.contentView.frameSize.height/2.0)-(@label.frameSize.height/2.0)
>         puts "width is #{width} heght is #{height}"
>         origin = NSMakePoint(width,height)
>         puts "class of origin is #{origin.class}"
>         @label.setFrameOrigin(origin)
>     end
> class of label is NSTextField
> width is 75.0 heght is 77.5
> class of origin is CGPoint
> 2012-12-09 18:33:13.525 two[3836:503] /Users/davidkramf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/two-gdovgltwrnzjfbfpizcbgrudvizf/Build/Products/Debug/two.app/Contents/Resources/MyController.rb:34:in `initLabel': undefined method `￯﾿ᄐ￯﾿ᄐ' for #<MyController:0x4011a6080> (NoMethodError)
> 	from /Users/davidkramf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/two-gdovgltwrnzjfbfpizcbgrudvizf/Build/Products/Debug/two.app/Contents/Resources/MyController.rb:15:in `initialize'
> 	from /Users/davidkramf/Library/Developer
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