[MacRuby-devel] Appstore rules on symlinks Macruby framework changed ?

Rob Ista rob.ista at me.com
Sat May 5 10:27:21 PDT 2012

Hi all, 
it seems that the Appstore validation has sharpened its control (again) … submitting an app now is rejected because the Macruby framework does not comply to the official Anatomy of Framework Bundles … There should be a symbolic "Current" resolving to "A" ... in the Macruby Framework this is now a fixed "Current" .. does anyone have seen this before and is there a workaround  for the time being ? 

Secondly, the code signing of the bundle contents is still a bit shaky although it seems to work on Lion .. on SL the .rb files create an "argument list too long" message (see below) .. commenting out the .rb files in macruby_deploy for codesigning makes the deploy come to a proper end but of course now the .rb are not signed. Daniel has done some great work on this already but are there any other ideas?  

rgrds, Rob 

/Users/robista/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SubtitleReSyncBasic-ayrbtqtujxpvspgaanykiwlaojxy/ArchiveIntermediates/Deployment/BuildProductsPath/Release/SubtitleReSyncBasic.app/Contents/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.2/abbrev.rb: Argument list too long

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