[SmartcardServices-Users] [Fed-Talk] Help tracing access to keys/certificates?

david.lloyd at fsmail.net david.lloyd at fsmail.net
Fri Oct 30 01:54:13 PDT 2015


Paul wrote: "Unfortunately they don’t always match up, particularly when it comes to the details of when a user must/should enter a PIN.  Saving the PIN (caching it) inside the Tokend 
memory can avert these issues but will break the intention of the card applet designer."

In general as an application author, it is necessary to ensure that any call to a smart card can require that a PIN be re-entered.  Almost any event can cause a smart card to be suddenly 
locked.  In practise this isn't always the case with third-party apps - have you considered a mode where you report yourself as a TYPE-II reader and perform the PIN prompt from within the 
drier stack rather than hoping that the application can handle the GUI display?  

This is how Windows handles the situation - the CSP pops up PIN prompts, not the application.



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