[CalendarServer-users] delete a event form the postgresql db

Sirko Mann smann at datameer.com
Thu Jul 25 02:55:02 PDT 2013

Hi List,

we have another problem with our caldav server. I have to remove an event from the calendar of a co-worker. He gets a warning:

The server responded with an error.
Access to "event" in "calendar" in account "servername" in not permitted.

The server responded:
to operation CalDAVWriteEntityQueueableOperation.

He tried to remove the event, but the problem is, he can not find this event in his calendar. I made a dump of the caldav database and imported this in a sandbox. I'm able to find:

caldav=# select resource_id, calendar_resource_id from calendar_object where icalendar_text like '%string%';
 resource_id | calendar_resource_id 
      159174 |                92159
(1 row)


How can I remove this from the database without break anything?


Datameer GmbH, Grosse Ulrichstrasse 7-9, D-06108 Halle (Saale),
Amtsgericht Stendal, HRB: 10348, Geschäftsführer: Stefan Groschupf

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