[launchd-dev] launchd and system sleep

Thomas Clement thomascl at free.fr
Mon Jun 1 13:55:22 PDT 2009


The manual page for the "StartInterval" key mentions that "if the  
system is asleep, the job will be started the next time the computer  
wakes up".
However I'm receiving bug reports from users which seem to indicate  
this is not always the case (the job is not launched for a long period  
of time).
The problem does not seem to occur with the "StartCalendarInterval" key.

I've also noticed the "com.apple.backupd-wake.plist" Time Machine job  
which is apparently triggered at wake time although it advertises no  
way to be launched. Why the need for this additional job since  
"com.apple.backupd-auto.plist" uses the "StartInterval" key? Is it a  
workaround for a launchd issue?

Is this a known issue or am I missing something?
Can something be done about this?


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